Shooting Pains in Wrist When Doing Bench Press

by Joe
(England, Kent)

I would like to know whether this could be wrist tendonitis or carpal tunnel syndrome.

Over the past 2/3 years I have on and off used weights, such as bench pressing. When doing this (with the weight not too heavy) I can experience a shooting pain which starts in the left palm of my hand. If I continue with the upward motion with the weight, it can continue up my wrist until my left arm can no longer push upwards. My right arm however does not have any of these problems.

I am 20 years of age and have only experienced this problem when doing weights or something similar such as press-ups.




Joshua Answers:

Hi Joe.

If you don't have any numbness or tingling in your hands/fingers, then technically it's not Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

And it doesn't sound like this is due to nerve compression up at the front of the neck and/or chest/shoulder.

Is it Tendonitis. I don't know. Nowadays Tendonitis is kind of a catchall term for when a person has pain but no discernible damage.

You definitely have a Pain Causing Dynamic and a Process of Inflammation.

It's also possible the some forearm structure is a little tight in an out of balance kind of way, is tugging on your wrist a certain way such that when you load up your wrist your joint is compressed such that it fires off a pain signal.

And then the higher you lift, the more the leverage changes and the compression compresses, increasing the pain signal.

Generally, it all comes down to TOO TIGHT.

Open up the structures of the forearm with any variety of massage/self massage, get rid of any inflammation by learning How To Reduce Inflammation, and then get back to me with an update.

More questions, more answers.

Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.

And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert

Reversing Wrist Tendonitis ebook cover

Reversing DeQuervain’s ebook cover

Carpal Tunnel Treatment That Works Dvd cover

Reversing Guitar Tendonitis ebook cover

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Feb 11, 2017
Chronic wrist burning pain from training
by: Savvas

I have a chronic problem with my wrist 1 year now.

It started in the gym as I felt a sharp pain at my wrist. When I am training I feel a burning sharp pain like my hand is on fire. I can't push something I can't do push ups I have weakness and when I hold something my forearm gets bigger and tight and I drop things.

I've done 3 MRI AND ONE NERVE TEST THEY DIDN'T FIND SOMETHING only little inflammation. Can you give me your opinion about my problem please?


Joshua Comments:

Hi Mr. Savvas.

If you've done 3 MRIs then you most likely don't have any rip/tear injury, depending on how good your MRI techs and doctors are.

You might have some Bone Bruise at the joint somewhere, but it sounds like you have a Tendonitis dynamic.

Chronic tightness, chronic inflammation, nutritional insufficiency, which all leads to pain and loss of function/ability to function.

See: What Is Tendonitis?

I suggest you get and start working with the Reversing Wrist Tendonitis program.

See Related:Tendonitis Pain In Right Hand Wrist Top Of Hand Knuckles Fingers And Forearm

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