Severed Achilles Tendon - no pain and can still walk with a limp - can I just not treat ?
by Mac
(Park City, Utah, USA)
I severed my Achilles tendon 6 weeks ago. An MRI only just revealed a 2cm gap between the two ends of my Achilles tendon There is no sign of any fibrous material, just a totally clean break.
It hurt at the time, but generally I have received little pain, to none at all. I have been wearing a boot for about half of the latter period of the past six weeks.
I am male and 62 and I own my own business, quite simply being out of service for the time expected for surgery will mean I will have no business left at the end of it.
On which basis I am trying to find out, what happens if I do nothing ?
I have been told a boot is unlikely to help because the two ends are too far apart and a boot cannot achieve the angle required to get those to knit, plus it's been 6 weeks since the injury occurred.
So as it doesn't hurt and I can walk on it with only a slight limp, I am very tempted to just do nothing. Surely now it's torn, it's torn and the situation can't worsen or become more painful by just leaving it alone.?
In this economy one has to survive and if I proceed with Surgery, I will lose my business and then my home.
Please give me you honest and unbiased views on this.
Many thanks,
Joshua Answers:Hi Mac.
Tendonitis definitely isn't your immediate issue.
What Is TendonitisIf you had not said that you "...can walk on it with just a limp...", this would be my response:
You have two options.
Achilles Tendon reattachment surgery, or
The ARPwave System.
Surgery to reattach the achilles tendon, with a 6-12 month recovery.
The ARPwave System can very likely heal the separation with out surgery (you'd have to talk to the ARPwave guys to confirm your specific situation), and then jumping rope in 8ish weeks.
Or, post surgery, jumping rope in
8ish weeks.
Those are your two options.
But, you said you can walk on it with just a limp. That's a rare thing. That means associated connective tissue is holding you up.
Generally, if there is a complete
Achilles Tendon Rupture, one can't stand or walk without collapsing, because there's literally nothing holding the foot/ankle in place in relation to the lower leg (plus the brain forces a collapse as an attempt to prevent more injury).
But you can stand and walk.
Can you get away without surgery and/or the ARPwave? Maybe. -Probably- not for very long though.
You'll either limp along, likely for the rest of your life, or you'll take a step one day and down you'll go and that'll be it. Back to square one of needing surgery for sure, and possibily the ARPwave to avoid surgery (depends).
Complete Achilles tears are bad news. One can generally get by with a torn ACL ligament, but rarely if ever a major tear to an Achilles tendon.
Plus there's the risk of blood poisoning/infection if those torn ends start to decay/rot. Admittedly I don't know much about that aspect.
If you want to have ARPwave give you a call, let me know here or on the form on the ARPwave System page the above link points to.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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