Severe Tendonitis, how to prove it is from work?
by Michele
(Chambly, QC)
My husband has been on vacation for 2 weeks and at the end of it told me that his arm hurt.
He then went to the clinic and got x-rays and was told he had severe tendonitis. His job is a butcher 40 hours a week.
His Dr. said it happened at home since he was on vacation but I know it has been on going a long time. My husband didn't want to get it checked until there was unbearable pain and swelling.
My question is could it of happened because of work? If so how can I prove it?
Joshua Answers:Ahhh, guys and pain are so funny...toughing it out until the very end.
My dad has heart issues, and will occasionally have days of dizzyness and chest pain and not tell mom. I just don't get it.
1. A good question for the doctor might be "How could it happen at home? Nothing 'happened' at home.
2. A good thing to say to a doctor might be "So you're saying this severe tendonitis just happened pretty much overnight, with no overexertion activity?
3. Did he do anything activity wise while on vacation that would exacerbate a pre-existing work injury?
4. How long has he had pain?
5. Where does he have pain? The more details the better.
6. How bad is the pain? Constant or comes and goes?
7. Are you saying that an X-Ray showed severe tendonitis? Or that your husband got an x-ray, and separately from that the doctor diagnosed him as having severe tendonitis?
I need more information, but as far as making a case for workmans' comp for an on the job tendonitis injury, it's good to come at it with a plan, and some strategies work better than others.
And as a side note, it is a common phenomenon to go away on vacation and have pain increase, as opposed to decrease like we think it should.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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