Scared with Levofloxacin and Bronchitis and Shoulder Tendonitis
by joel
(berwyn, il.)
I had surgery on my arm last year for a nerve that was also associated with a tendon in my forarm.
The surgery was sucessfull and I havent had a problem with it since. Now I'm taking levofloxacin for a bronchitis and I felt a stiffining in my arm again similar to how it felt before the surgery.
I hope this doesnt mean I slightly tore the tendon after all the money and time. I haven't even been physical sice on the antibiotic now im in fear of tendon damage.
Joshua Answers:Hi Joel.
I also hope that you didn't tear the tendon, and that you don't have any cytotoxicity from the floroquinolone class antibiotic.
Tendonitis and tendon injury is bad enough, much less to compound that with cytotoxic, chronic tendon issues, shoulder or otherwise.
On a related note, bronchitis seems to run in my family. I got my first bout when I was 25, was down for two weeks.
It took me a while to figure it out.
Long story short, there is a nerual connection between your thoracic vertebrae and your lungs.
My first fast relief was when an Naturopathic doctor explained that to me, and he adjusted my thoracics. I immediately felt the oncoming bronchitis charge stop, and it took a two week thing down to a one week thing.
Now, I have learned how to self adjust my own thoracics and learned just the right spots I need to get. (Moving, stretching and moving and inhaling, laying on a tennis ball and moving till I get it)
The moment I feel bronchitis coming on, I get movement in a couple spots, and I can keep the bronchitis from setting it. Literally I do that and it makes a predictable two week thing into a one or two day thing, and very minor.
Plus it's good to keep your immune system strong, which antibiotics actually weaken it.
So you may want to reconsider taking an antibiotic that can quite possibly cause lasting tendon damage and pain.
More questions, more answers.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert