Right forearm pain when riding a motorcycle or at the computer
by Jason Malone
(Downey ca us)
I ride a motorcycle and work at a job where I am on the cpu all day.
My right arm is hurting when I use it to dial, type or ride my bike.
What can I do to help reduce the pain and or have this problem go away.
Joshua Answers:Hey Jason.
I'd love to answer your question, and I need more information.
1. What exactly hurts, and where?
2. How bad?
3. How much do you ride? How much do you dial and type? And, do you mean dial a phone, or?
4. How long has this been going on?
5. Is it constant pain, or do you only feel it when you use it?
6. Age.
7. General health.
8. Any history of previous injury to the arm? Car crashes, etc?

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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