Retired golfer - wrist tendonitis pain in both wrists along with high blood pressure and atrial fibrilation

by Bob
(Jacksonville, Florida)

64 years old male, retired, active, good health. High blood presure medicated for ten years. First week of January blood pressure spiked and cardioligst found A Fib. Actively treating the heart issue. At the same time I started experiencing forearm, wrist and hand pain. Xrays show no arthritis.

Pain seems to radiate from wrist to forearm and hand, top and bottom and underside pain on thumb pad. Pain and stiffness worst in the morning after sleep.

Light exercise and joint movement seems to clear stiffness and pain. I do play golf. I can go to the driving range and not be able to swing and hold the club. After some time the joint loosens up and pain subsides enough to play. This seems contrary to tennis elbow I experienced years ago while playing golf. That form of tendinitis required no activity for weeks. This current problem is in both left and right wrist and seems to improve with activity?


Joshua Answers:

Hi Bob.

First off, if you have high blood pressure history and concurrent onset of increased blood pressure, atrial fibrillation, and tendonitis symptoms, you are magnesium deficient. Or at least, you may want to take a serious look at the role Magnesium plays with those.

Read this page on Atrial Fibrillation Cause.

It's likely you're Vitamin D deficient too. That's easy to get checked for and get the levels up.

Both Magnesium and Vitamin D are CHEAP and incredibly beneficial.

As you describe it, it's highly likely much of your Tendonitis symptoms are due to Magnesium deficiency too.

Having said
that, you've had decades of Pain Causing Dynamic and slowly progressive Tendonitis dynamic, so it wouldn't be a surprise if you do have some actual Tendonitis issue.

Which I suspect is more about the downsides of muscle and connective tissue being TOO TIGHT for too long.

Definitely read about the magnesium/heart connection with the link above.

You could also benefit either from 'The Tennis Elbow Treatment That Works' DVD as seen up to the right, or from my new Reversing Wrist Tendonitis ebook. (I lean towards the Wrist Tendonitis ebook from your description of symptoms.)


1. What are you using to control your high blood pressure?

2. Are you on Statins?

3. Other than golf, what do you do with your hands?

4. How are you treating the atrial fibrilations?

5. Anything else that would be interesting or useful for me to know?

Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert

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Jan 19, 2012
I think I have wrist tendonitis from golf but not sure and I don't know what to do
by: Lydel

Hi I'm 20 years old and I'm having major wrist pain. It's been going on for about 7 months now and the my wrist is not healing. The pain is below my thumb and I got it from golfing one day.

But if I go out and play golf it will hurt for the first few swing then the pain will go away, but I can feel that my left wrist is really weak now that this happened. So I was just wondering if anybody knows what this could be

Thanks, lydel


Joshua Comments:

Hi Lydel.

It's incredibly unlikely that one day of golfing gave you 7 months of wrist pain.

It IS incredibly like that you had a slowly progressive Tendonitis dynamic that that one day of golf pushed past a particular threshold and launched you into a big pain response. And it amped up your existing Pain Causing Dynamic and put your Process of Inflammation into high gear.

Having said that, I don't know what it is. I would need more information:

1. THere's no swelling, but is there pain if you push on it with a finger? Does it hurt at night? When does it hurt? More details on the pain. Location, quality, behavior, etc. Details details details.

2. History of injury?

3. Overall health.

4. Activities other than golf.

5. Anything else relevant, or not relevant but interesting and possibly relevant?

Jan 19, 2012
Answer from Lydel
by: Lydel

Hi who ever wrote to me and thanks. Now to answer your question, I say that it's been hurting for 7 months because I played golf through the pain and it's got worse and worse.

There might be swelling but can't really tell its a hot spot below my thumb. It hurts if I push on it. But the pain is always there but there's times when it's worse than other times. But I think there's pain when ever I grab something and pick it up or pull on something, pretty much when I use that tendon. I'm in good health and never had health problems like this. So I hope you can tell me what this is thanks.


Joshua Comments:

Hi Lydel.

I can't tell you what it is, but it sounds exactly like Dequervains Tendonitis.

Jan 20, 2012
by: Lydel

Thanks alot that's what I was thinking it was, I was wondering what you thought would be the best treatment for that and how long it usually takes?


Joshua Comments:

Hi Lydel.

I would get the Reversing Wrist Tendonitis ebook and apply what it says to your forearm and thumb structures.

That in my opinion is the best treatment. How long it takes depends on exactly what you have going on, and how you apply the self care.

Thumb tendonitis, also called Dequervains tendonitis, is totally reversible, though it is unlikely to just go away all by it's own.

Jan 22, 2012
by: Lydel

Ok I will try it out thanks

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