Remaining inflammation and forearms and pain in fingers occurs even with a very little bit of typing
Hello, the Tendinitis Carpal Tunnel Syndrome DVD has helped me tremendously.
I ignored the pain in my arms and kept typing and so I have had this tendinitis for about two years.
Although the DVD has helped a great great great deal I still have painful inflammation in my forearms whenever I type.
Even a minute of typing will cause this pain to recur.
Also a resistance band exercise that a physical therapist told me to do seems to have injured my neck. So bad I feel shooting pain down into my fingers.
Most of the time that pain is in the right last fingers that is the pinky and the first finger from the right.
But when I have this pain shooting down my neck it will go into the middle finger in the last two fingers mostly along the top.
I have also been going to deep tissue massage, and that seems to have helped also. But your DVD has been an extreme help, and has enabled me to walk again.
I had been unable to go for a walk for about a month, because even normal swinging of my arm caused excruciating pain to come down from the right side of my neck all down my arm.
Would you have any other suggestions for me?
Joshua Answers:Yikes. Sounds like an acute pain dynamic.
So you definitely still have an Inflammation Process on high alert in your forearms.
Without asking any questions of you, I suggest that you continue to follow the Healthy Wrist Protocol that is found on
The Carpal Tunnel Treatment That Works.
You have gotten a lot of benefit from following what's on the DVD. You will continue to get that much benefit if you continue to follow it.
You need to overwhelm the Inflammation Process and help the body back into an Upward Spiral.
Follow the Protocol until the pain is gone, then continue to follow it to support your structure shift into a more healthy/happy ecology.
Most people stop too soon, and/or feel better
so they stop.
If you keep at it, your body will become pain free again. If you stop too soon, that's like stopping a race before you hit the finish line.
Moving onto the neck pain.Keep doing all the activities of the Healthy Wrist Protocol. Activity #2 will continue to help the neck. Start rolling/stretching your neck from side to side and a little back as you di it. Carefully, play with the stretch that you will feel at the front of the neck.
It's likely that your exercise just scared the nervous system enough that it clamped down and put your muscles into spasm, basically. To protect you, your nervous system often goes overboard and just locks you down and makes you hurt.
Now you move, and the spastic muscles feel movement and 'danger', so there is MORE spasm and the sensation of pain.
I doubt you're injured, but your muscles are constantly holding up a 50 pound barbell, and they aren't happy about it.
Too tight = pain.
I'll make you a little video of what to do about that, if you answer these three questions.
1. How long did you do the activities on the DVD?
2. How close did you do it to exactly as suggested?
(There is no -right- answer, I just want to know what you actually did so I can accurately compare that to the results you got.)
3. What is your name, or a nick name to call you by on the video?

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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