Relief from Carpel Tunnel (Post Distal Radius Fracture)
by Alice H.
(Toronto, Canada)
Just prior to cast removal discomfort with pins/needles mostly at night which has never diminished. Good healing confirmed by orthopaedic and did course of physio - Subsequently nerve conduction test (by neurologist) indicated severe carpal tunnel - Hand numb with loss of strength in hand/ upper arm.
Surgery was recommended (by Neurosurgeon) if nerve damage cannot be verified until procedure - if confirmed only 90% success is possible - at this point have not agreed to surgery - having some acupuncture (six sessions, but no relief)
Afraid damage is permanent but would like to avoid surgery - do not know what is best treatment and if possible to reverse numbness/weakness etc.
Thanks you for anticipated advice you have so kindly offered. I am 75 year old female in good health - no drugs/conditions other than present one which was result of a fall on the ice in December 2008.
Will be doing the ice water treatment you suggest and praying a lot I await any further advice you can offer. Thanks again.
Joshua Answers:Hi Alice.
Ouch, breaking a bone is never fun.
It's -possible- that when you fell and fractured your Radius that it dislodged something that is pressing on a nerve, that surgery can theoretically remove.
Granted I am not seeing you in person, but I feel confident saying that surgery isn't going to fix the problem, unless you have broken bone pressing on the nerve.
Taking into account your age, the common physical progression and pattern of aging, and the dynamic of carpal tunnel pain and numbness, it is safe to say that:
1. The Scalene muscles at the front of your neck are too short and tight and are compressing your nerve at the neck.
2. Your upper arms are rotated inward and compressing the nerve to some degree at the front of the chest and shoulder.
3. Your nervous system is on high alert after the fall, and it is trying to protect you from further damage by tightening you muscles and releasing chemical which enhances your pain.
4. When you were in a cast and immobile, your connective tissue shrunk wrapped down around your structure.
5. Strength loss in upper arm is not going to be coming from the wrist. I
suspect with you that muscle loss is because the nervous system is on such high alert that it has your muscles be -so- tight that there is just very little strength potential left. (that is a very brief explanation)
Surgery isn't going to reverse any of that. You might get benefit for a while, but it's not a fix.
Plus there's the question of how fast are you going to heal from a surgery?
So what do you do?Ice Dip as described. You can even up the number of dips per day. Ideally, for a week, you will dip as many times as possible throughout the day.
That will help the lower arm, wrist, and hand, and if those spots are the culprit of the numbness, that will help.
You may want to find a skilled massage therapist and tell them to gently open up your Scalenes, reverse the medial rotation of the upper arm, and loosen the connective tissue of the forearm and wrist. A skilled person can do this, and last I heard, Canada had high requirements to be a massage therapist.
Also, increase your Omega 3 fat intake, increse your calcium/magnesium intake, and your protein intake.
Natural anti-inflammatories like Turmeric and Omega 3 oils like fish oils.
Also, if it's sunny up there, get out into the sun every day for a little bit, with the sun directly on your skin. If no sunshine, get a Vitamin D3 supplement.
Vitamin D3 plays a huge roll in health and healing.
Keep me updated and ask me more questions.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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