Quad Tendonosis options a year after acl surgery
by BSmit
I was diagnosed with quad tendonosis in june.
A year previous to this i had acl surgery on the same leg.
Before I could pinpoint my extreme pain my doc did a scope on the leg and cleaned it out.
The pain persisted and that is when i was diagnosed with severe tendonosis in the quad tendon.
Since then I have had 3 Prp injections and tried everything under the sun as far as modalities and Physical Therapy.
It is now november and I have no improvement whatsoever.
I am a professional basketball player and i obviously am a free agent or I would have more people on my side.
I am now realizing that not only is this season a long shot but I am beginning to believe this may be the end of my career because of this pain.
I can never get a straight answer on if surgery is a possibility for this. Is it? what does it entail? what is the success rate? rehab time? Potential long term problems being that I am a high level athlete?
Thanks in advance I will be anxiously awaiting a reply!
Joshua Answers:Hello BS.
So, why exactly, I wonder, were you diagnosed with
Tendonosis as opposed to
1. What did your doctor tell
2. What exactly did the doctor 'clean out?' And when exactly did that happen in relation to the acl surgery and the diagnosis in June?
3. When does the season start, in the context of how long do you have to heal before you have to start getting back to high level activity?
4. What happened that you had to have acl surgery?
5. History of Tendonitis pain or injury?
6. Age?
7. General description of dietary intake.
8. PRP didn't help at all? (Bummer, I like the idea of PRP, I hope it turns out to be an effective treatment.)
9. Say a little more about what exactly you have tried, and whether it worked a little, a lot, or not at all.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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