Post-surgery Trigger Finger, And Shooting Pain On The Thumb Side Of The Wrist
by Happi
(elk river, mn)
Hi Joshua.
I have osteoarthritis in both hands. I have also had surgery on both thumbs for trigger finger.
The problem is my wrist and thumb.
If I move my wrist a certain way or move my thumb up I get a sharp shooting pain on the thumb side of my wrist.
Is this Tendinitis? What can I do? I have had this for more than two months.
Will it go away by itself?
I can't afford to go to the doctor. Please help me.
Thank you
Happi (Happi is not Happi)
Joshua Answers:Hello Happi.
I'm happy to help as I can.
So it sounds like there's A LOT going on in your hands.
Will it go away all on it's own? Not likely. It sounds like this pain is just a continuation of the process that has been evolving in your hands.
Is it Tendinitis? Maybe.
At this point, however, it's something of a moot point.
We need to reverse the dynamic, get most of the pain out, and then it will be easier to identify what if any actual damage is in there.
The surgery very well may have helped the trigger finger, but it made the nervous system kick in more defensive measures, which unfortunately lead to more tightness and more pain.
Even if you have painful repercussion from the surgery, we can get everything much better. It will take
some time and effort, but it's totally doable.
First things first.
Answer these questions so I have an even better idea what's going on, and then let's start getting you out of pain.
1. How long have you been having hand pain?
2. How old are you?
3. What do/did you do with your hands that led to something like trigger finger?
4. Do you have any other health issues? Or, how would you describe your health in general.
5. What movements cause your wrist to hurt?
6. What exact movement causes your thumb side to hurt?
7. Do other movements cause pain?
8. Do you have pain when your hands are at rest/not moving?
9. Describe your osteoarthritis.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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