Possible tendonitis on pinky side after possible cartilage tear?
by Chris
29 years old
I think it all started lifting weights, specifically straight bar curls.
It started as a pain on the ulnar side on top of the bone with burning in my forearms, which i was told was a cartilage tear last year by a hand surgeon. The pain eventually went away.
It returned over this past weekend. It started out the same but now I can't rotate my wrist palm up. The top of my forearms were burning and pain could be felt from the wrist half way back to my elbow on the pinky side. That went away and now the underside, still on the pinky side hurts so much I cant rotate it on my own.
There is still burning on the underside of my arm half way to the elbow, its like it just switched sides. My hand (palm, pinky side) is also cramped. The wrist can physically rotate when I relax and use my other hand to move it, so its not locked up.
I'm starting to even doubt the original doctors diagnosis because the more I read about tears, the more it says things about painful rotation no matter what. Sometimes there is a sharp ache in my forearm, sometimes its a burning pain. I can move the hand up and down just fine also.
The weirdest part about this is if i press down on the lower part of my palm on the pinky side (right in line with my pinky) I can rotate it on my own with little to no pain.
Is this possibly a nerve problem? Or could it be tendonitis, and that's where the tendon inserts into the wrist?
Thank You!
Joshua Answers:Hi Chris.
Nerve problem? Unlikely.
Cartilage or other tear? I have no way of knowing from here.
Tendonitis? There's definitely some of that going on. Meaning, there is some scar tissue build up and irritation.
Primarily from what you have described, what I hear is that you have a raging
Pain Causing Dynamic going on and a huge and chronic
Process of Inflammation.
And almost certainly you need to read about
Magnesium for Tendonitis and learn
How To Reduce Inflammation.
The thing where you press on that spot and can then turn your wrist without problem, that could be a couple things, but first things first.
Follow the links above and do what I describe. Once you do that (intensively) for a while and drop pain levels, then we can start to identify any specific spots of damage etc.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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