Pneumonia + Levaquin = Knee Tendonitis?
by tony hart
(sun city center)
I was hospitalized 2 weeks ago with pneumonia and congestive heart failure. they treated me with a couple of antibiotics and when i was released, i had a rx for levaquin, 5 days, 250 mg tablets, 1 per day.
I have developed knee pain and am now wearing a brace on my knee. i cannot say it is the levaquin causing the problem because i have a history of knee pain without the cause being precisely diagnosed because i cannot have a MRI.
i have had cortisone shots in the knee and this has relieved the pain in the past.
i will seek additional cortisone shots within 2 weeks and will be surprised if the pain is not relieved.
Joshua Comments:Hey Tony.
It's certainly possible that Levaquin cytotoxicity can make an existing pain worse. And there's nothing that an MRI would show about it.
Doesn't particularly sound like it in this case.
Laying in bed for a few days in a hospital, or anywhere else, can certainly exacerbate knee problems. Plus everything else yo have going on.
Pay attention, though for other pain and problem that Levaquin is known to cause.
Here's a page you might find valuable
on Congestive Heart Failure----------------------
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert