Pitching arm elbow tendonitis.
My son is an incoming college freshman. He experienced tendonitis in the elbow area of the pitching arm during the summer. He discontinued pitching for a month and a half before joining his college team this fall. His coaches have limited his throwing. However, he still experiences some discomfort in spite of the extended layoff.
He has used ice since the onset and the college has used ultrasound. At this point he is relying on the time off this winter to solve the problem.
Do you have any suggestions? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Joshua Answers:Hi there.
The first thing I have to say is that, no amount of rest, extended or not, is going to fix the problem.
It might, of course. But I wouldn't bet a baseball career on it.
And I assert that what the college sports side of things has to offer won't help his elbow, since A. it hasn't, it sounds like and B. baseball at all levels enforces rest, which just doesn't work very well.
Once a
Tendonitis dynamic is in place, it is predictable that as soon as the arm is required to pitch again, the symptoms will be right back.
If he's already hurting at this point in his career, a winter off and then back to a college routine is unlikely to give you the fix you want.
Really, really unlikely.
My main suggestion is to get
'The Tennis Elbow Treatment That Works' DVD.
Also, I don't know if he has Tennis Elbow or Golfer's Elbow (meaning one side of the forearm, or the other) or if he has a combination
of the two (meaning his entire structure is involved, which it is), but the DVD is good for both (just apply the content to one side, or both).
The bulk of what your son needs to know to not only make his pain go away but also to keep it away through his pitching career is on there.
I would have him follow the Healthy Elbow Protocol for a week, then get in contact with me and I will fine tune what he is doing (and make sure he understands the whole deal).
And/or, you can check out the info on
How To Reduce Inflammation. If that is all he does, that will be a major asset.
Also, I don't know if he has Tennis Elbow or Golfer's Elbow (meaning one side of the forearm, or the other) or if he has a combination of the two (meaning his entire structure is involved, which it is), but the DVD is good for both.
I have some other suggestions, but they come later. First things first, deal with the source of the problem. The DVD does that, and learning how to reduce inflammation will do it's part of that.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert