Peroneal dipping ?

hi joshua

as you know I have had this for some time , it's chronic, but have only just found out about your methods after being told about your website through a friend.

now, I have had some success by icing with frozen cups.

however, I have not done much ice dipping.

the reason for this is that the pain I feel is at the side and base of the foot, where the tendons attach.

now.....being as these tendons start further up might it be worth doing more ice dipping as one would for achilles pain?

as if my full ankle and foot is submerged this is going to force more blood and nutrients into the area than just ice cup massage alone?

from what I read it seems that ice dipping, if one can do it, creates a far greater turnover of blood and nutrients than any other form of ice therapy?

is it possible to spend a few hours continually going in and out with the foot?

by this I mean will 30 or 40 dips over an evening do no harm to the foot and indeed be very beneficial to a chronic tendon inflammation?

as much dipping as possible?

best wishes



Joshua Answers:

Hi Paul.

Yes, Ice Dipping! As high up the leg as you can get it! Think big 5 gallon bucket full of ice, frozen water bottles, and water.

YES! 30-40 dips in an evening or over the course of a day. The more the merrier. You can't hurt yourself with 10 second dips.

I like to think about it like this:

Ice dipping is like squeezing a sponge. It gets the entire area, old stuff out, new stuff in.

Ice massaging forces cold in deeper into the muscle/structure, and also acts as a massage, mobilizing and breaking up stuck tissue.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert

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Nov 21, 2009
PART 2 - thanks joshua - Peroneal dipping ?
by: Anonymous

ice dipping is more work but I feel its helped me the most so far, the ice pack just doesnt get to the pain if that makes any sense to you?


Joshua Comments:

That totally makes sense.

Ice dipping does take some effort. I find that the only tough part is making the ice dip. Then, once it's good and cold, every time I walk by I do a dip. Pretty easy that way.

Ice packs could be made more effective if one used it for 3ish minutes, took it off and back in the freezer, later did another 3 minutes, repeat.

Might as well do the dip though, to cover more area and get more effect.

Nov 24, 2009
PART 3 - yes, thats exactly it - Peroneal dipping ?
by: paul

I find that I can really feel my foot and ankle " warming up " a few minutes after a dip.....its like you say..the body is sending more blood to the cold area..and the " tingle " is the blood rushing in

to be honest, I find it the most effective of all the ice therapies you suggest...although ice massage with a dixie cup also helps.

but with the ice dip...I feel it works straight away, within 20 seconds.

where as the ice massage and ice pack take 5 to ten minutes to freeze the foot.

Sep 06, 2011
Exercise vs Icing for tendonitis
by: Jonathan

Hi Joshua,

First, I'd like to say I really love and appreciate your website.

So, I've had Dequervain's Tendonitis in both my han ds for over a year now. I'm currently using a flextend glove to exercise my hands. I recently discovered ice dipping on your site, and have been doing that for the last few days. I recently read on your site that you don't agree with exercise rehabilitation. So, I was wondering if I could have your advice concerning whether I should continue the exercises while dipping each day, or halt the exercises and only dip for a while?

Thanks so much for any help you can give,


Joshua Comments:

Hi Jonathan.

For the record, let me state that sometimes exercise is -exactly- what the body needs so it can work better.

But in the case of Dequervain's, which is a fancy name for thumb tendonitis, both of which are inaccurate anyway because it's a muscle problem not a tendon problem, exercise isn't going to help.

Exercise won't help Dequervain's because 'lack of exercise' isn't the problem.

Also, the muscles in your thumb pad are TOO TIGHT and too many of the muscle fibers are WORKING 24/7. They're -tired-. They don't need to exercise. They need to relax.

Rest, of course, won't have them relax. They're -stuck- tight. Which means they're stuck working too hard.

Dequervain's is certainly off topic in a Peroneal Tendonitis thread, but your Icing vs. exercise question is relevant to both.

Icing increases circulatory turn over. Which basically means irritant and waste product and pain enhancing chemical out, and new blood, oxygen, and nutrition in.

Both of those are required for a muscle to relax. Self massage, etc, does that too, but you have to get the irritant out and new nutrition in so the muscle will have the ability to relax.

Personally were I you, I would ice dip and massage and/or ice massage the super tight and tender muscles in your thumb pad. (And quite likely your forearm too.)

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