Only three cipro pills, i caught it early, what's going to happen?
by Hristina
I am 23, took 3 cipro pills (500mg) for suspected urinary infection. Weird things started to happen, on the 1st day I had no energy at all. The next night I had a panic attack, it was the scariest thing I`ve ever experienced, thought I was going to die. I just knew it was the antibiotic but no one would believe me.
My mum drove me to the emergency room at 3 in the morning where a half-asleep doctor told me to go to bed, drink tea and calm down... Panic attack again the next night even though I`ve stopped taking them. Then I did my research online and was shocked.
The irony is, I have a masters in molecular biology, but how could I have seen this coming? I am used to reading boring scientific articles about animals treated with drugs and the 1-2% chance of serious complications never seem to bother me.. Not the same when you are in that number.
On day 3 I started having stiff tendons and cracking joints. Already started taking 350mg magnesium and whatever vitamin you can think of in its max dose. Now I have tingling and twitching in the arms and legs. My parents dont believe me, they think I`m imagining it because I`ve read so much about cipro side effects. It`s been a week since the last pill.
I will be going to a neurologist tomorrow, but will probably spend most of the appointment explaining to him what happened. I just HAVE to get better within a month - this happened when I was at my parents house for the summer, I live abroad by myself and I don't think I can cope with this living alone in London. Ok, time for green tea with a pinch of optimism.
Joshua Answers:Hello Hristina.
Nobody sees it coming, for a couple reasons.
1. We're human, we just don't think anything bad can happen to us, especially if we think/know there's only a 1-2% chance of being affected.
2. We're told Cipro affects 1-3% of people that take it. But it's really 3-30%. Your symptoms are obvious. Some symptoms are impossible to identify because they take a little longer to show up and they look like neurological diseases and organ failures.
And doctors...yeah....don't get me started on that topic. "Go home and relax". Seriously?? Grrrrr.
Cipro is bad news. Statistically it's
a little less dangerous than
Levaquin, but it's the same stuff.
The panic attacks are due to magnesium deficiency. So are the twitches and hopefully the tingling.
Your tendons aren't stiff...that's just your muscles tightening up (magnesium deficiency, pain response) and pulling the tendon taut. Same with the cracking joints, they're getting compressed and not moving freely anymore (tight muscles).
YOu're getting
Tendonitis symptoms, but Cipro tendonitis is NOT regular tendonitis, though they share many of the same components.
What Is TendonitisRest will not help your situation. You need to get on the RIGHT self care actions ASAP if you want to have any chance of being better in a month.
Cipro massively depletes the body of Magnesium. If you're lucky, getting enough Magnesium into and onto you will get rid of most of the symptoms.
We'll see.
I'd get
The Levaquin Tendonitis Solution ebook ASAP (as soon as possible). You need a complete plan, and you need to know what's going on in there. That's great you're taking a lot of different vitamins etc, but you're not taking enough of the right ones.
350mg of magnesium is NOT enough. And hopefully you're not taking Magnesium Oxide as it's pretty much worthless, but you probably are because it's the cheapest and most common so mostly only what you'll find on the shelves. I don't know what things look like in London re: that, so you'll have to look and see.
I'd get as much Magnesium into and onto you as possible ASAP. Again, 350mg is NOT enough to make a difference for you. It's better than nothing, of course.
So that's a start.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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