Once was enough with the nerve conduction test
by Stephanie
(Joliet, IL)
It's been about 7 years since I had a nerve conduction test so I don't remember all the details.
I went to the doctor complaining about a patch of numbness on my shoulder blade. I have since learned to say a lack of sensation because I had a neurologist give me lidocaine patches to take away the sensation I had. Clearly, he didn't understand/wasn't listening. I never went back to him after that.
Before the lidocaine, he sent me for a nerve conduction test. I recall that they measured the time it took for my muscles in my arm/hand to react to the signal sent from ??? either my neck or upper back. I recall strong contractions of the muscles. I didn't cry, it wasn't as bad as some other's descriptions but it absolutely sucked. I can sympathize with anyone getting shock treatment or tazed.
My results said there was nothing wrong with my nerves. When the fascial release therapist suggested retesting a different spot, I refused.
In hind sight, I don't understand how the reaction of my fingers and arm would indicate a problem in the nerve endings on my back. Again, clearly, the doctor wasn't listening.
Joshua Answers:Hi Stephanie.
Thanks for sharing.
Yeah...doctors only know what they know, and they're very much creatures of habit. Or at least, creatures of
'standard of care' practices.
And, every practitioner is created a little differently, some better than others.
I see it all the time with
Tendonitis sufferers. They get the -same- routine from the doctors, no matter what, whether it works or not.
I will say that it's all connected, nerve/body wise. An electrical disruption on the back can affect the arms, and vice versa, but I nerve impulse test isn't going to find that.
And yikes, really! Can you imagine getting tazed??
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
Tendonitis Treatment That Works DVD's


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