Olympic Medal Family With Tendon Pain and Tendonitis Injuries
by Bob
Hello Josh,
This is a strange one that has been making us sad. I hope you can help.
I am 44 and was an Olympic cross country skier. I took levaquin 3.5 years ago and have had chronic tendon problems since. No mystery there, but
perhaps there was an underlying problem to start with. I was super fit and active until this happened. I have tendon damage/tendonitis in my
left shoulder bicep tendon, both peroneal tendons, some of the parts of the foot (what moves the toes up and down both feet), and both
My wife is 44 an is an Olympic gold medalist in cross country skiing. She is super fit and active. 2 years ago she developed
tendonitis in her peroneal tendons (didn't take any fluoroquinolone antibiotics). They have bothered her ever since.
My older daughter is now 15. Last spring as a freshman, she won the state 2 mile track championship. She ran cross country this fall and
did well. During the winter in gym class, she was lifting weights unsupervised and strained both of her hamstrings (especially tendons on both
of her legs on the medial posterior side of her legs just above her knee). Anyway, after resting for 10 days, she tried to work out and had
problems. Then she did active rest (be active, but nothing that makes it hurt) for 1.5 months, physical therapy, and tried running.
After 10 minutes of jogging with no pain, we had to pick her up as her symptoms were similar to when she was freshly injured. Now after an additional 40 days taken completely off, her symptoms have not improved at all. Her hamstrings (especially the tendons described above) are just as sensitive.
My daughters experience seems like mine where I can do absolutely nothing for a year and have difficulty walking still. My wife has similar
problems. So, I have to think that this is related to something external such as water, air, etc in our house. My younger daughter has no
symptoms. She is a very active 11 year old.
We have lived in the same house for 16 years.
I am the only one that has taken levaquin (or any fq antibiotic). We have used a 5 stage carbon filter on our drinking water for 12 years which
is changed regularly. We eat pretty balanced and healthily. My daughter does not train much - she undertrains actually. Last fall her peak
miles were about 20 per week which is less than pretty much all of her competitors. I have done basically nothing (I simply can't due to the
tendonitis) for 2.5 years. My wife rides a stationery bike 5 days a week for 40 minutes easy.
Do you have any suggestions for us?
I guess we need to try to find something that we all have in common and go from there such as do a thorough toxin test and see what we all might
have in common or parasites or something like that? I have read the levaquin ebook that you put out and will do a vitamin
D level test for all 3
of us first thing next week.
We do have 5 cats and a small house if you know of a parasite or anything like that that cats could contribute that might explain this. Also, I
have a couple of complications (computer screen giving me big dizziness and headaches and looking up makes me dizzy), but other than that, I, my
wife, and my daughter have no other symptoms outside of injuries that simply are not healing...and we are being very patient.
It is bad enough that I am messed up and that my wife is messed up but now my daughter? She's 15 and is suffering - she wants to run and be
I really appreciate any advice you might have.
Thank you very much
Joshua Answers:Hi Bob (keeping it a bit anonymous, though you may or may not care).
For the purposes of this conversation, you are in an entirely different category that your wife and daughter. Primarily it's
The Levaquin Tendonitis Solution ebook and it's forum for you.
While there may be negative aspects at play before the fluoroquinolone
Levaquin, for the moment let's go with that your symptoms are from Levaquin, and focus on your wife/daughter.
We can certainly talk about you, but let's talk about wife/daughter first.
Confirm for me that the ONLY symptoms/problems your wife/daughter are having are peroneal tendonitis/hamstring injury.
When you confirm that, I'm going to respond with the statement that
Rest and patience are BAD, VERY BAD strategies for dealing with tendonitis and injury.
Sometimes it works out that way, but I wouldn't at all rely on it or assume that it's a winning strategy.
Along those lines, if those pains/injuries are their -only- pain/problem, I'm very leery at this point that it's something as insidious as heavy metal poisoning or parasites etc.
So let's investigate!I'm going to ask you questions, I want an A/B answer for wife/daughter if applicable.
1. What exactly does 'we eat pretty balanced and healthy' mean?
2. -Just- peroneal pain and just hamstring pain? No other problem with energy levels, ache/pain, various symptoms, etc. (I realize the problems are debilitating, so when I say 'just', I'm trying to get a clear picture of exactly what the symptoms are.)
3. Any history of wife/daughter injury other than the current issue?
Let's start there.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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