Nerve Conduction Test Pain from Hell
by Melisa
He put the needle in my right wrist, no warning on what to expect and I felt as if I had been shot there, my hand flying up to my face.
I screamed, he jumped (the doctor) and I only let him do my right leg as I had the beginnings of peripheral neuropathy in that foot. Hollering at the top of my lungs the whole time, "I can do this...I can do this..." to which the doctor began to chant with me, "you can do this..."
I live with chronic pain...I'm no whimp.
It was a nightmare and I would not tell anyone but the truth about this archaic test.
BAH Humbug!!!!
Joshua Answers:Hi Melissa.
Thanks for sharing!
Yep. Not everybody has that experience when they get a
Nerve Conduction Test for something like
Tendonitis or peripheral neuropathy, but as you've describe, many do.
What Is Tendonitis?Regardless of the results of the test, the trick now is to fix the problem that is causing your symptoms. And that's the
Pain Causing DynamicSee Related:
Welcome To The Torture Table Of EMG and Nerve Conduction TestsSee Related:
Nerve Conduction Test It's Not That Bad----------------------
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
Tendonitis Treatment That Works DVD's


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