My Nerve Conduction Test for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome HURT
by Ginger
(New York City, NY)
When I went in to get my Nerve Conduction Test for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, I was not prepared for the pain I was about to experience.
The electrical patches were placed on my arm and they proceeded to shock me. Although the shocks were minor my muscles and nerves went into overtime. I felt an intense pain down my arm and into my fingers. This wasn't good.
I had the sensation that I had been sweeping for hours or exercising the muscles in a way they weren't accustomed to. The strangest thing was when the doctor informed me that my results were 100% "normal".
I pressed the doctor to test my right hand, where I had already undergone Carpal Tunnel Surgery. The right hand was shocked, but I experienced no pain, just the odd sensation of muscles being worked by a machine.
I don't care what they say. I know I have carpal tunnel syndrome in my left hand and I'm having surgery next week. When I had my right hand worked on 10 years ago I was told I didn't have to have the surgery at that time.
Try telling that to a person whose hand goes numb on and off 24 hours a day. Numbness woke me up in the night, and I could only find relief by shaking my hand hard about 30 times (I counted).
When the same thing happened to my left hand a decade later I knew what was wrong. Spare me the splints and the hand/wrist exercises. I know what's wrong and am optimistic that the surgery will relieve these symptoms. I waited a long time when my right hand was involved. I wore the splint and did rehab, but to no avail.
I researched the condition and
found out that time is the biggest factor in determining if a person will be able to relieve the numbness through surgery. If an individual waits and continues to use the hand (it can't realistically be avoided) the condition worsens and surgery may not change anything, except the balance of one's personal bank account.
Joshua Answers:Hi Ginger.
I'm a bit confused, so a couple questions.
1. Did you get a
Carpal Tunnel Diagnosis on the left side?
2. You had
Carpal Tunnel surgery on your right wrist a decade ago, yes?
Did it help? Did it fix the problem?
I'll assume so, and that's why you're gung ho for surgery on the left.
That's interesting that the nerve conduction test was painful on the left but not the right. I wonder why.
When are you getting the left side cut on?
And how did recovery go on the right side?
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
Tendonitis Treatment That Works DVD's


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