My Carpal Tunnel Surgery Was A Success...Was It Really?

i had carpel surgery 7 months ago and it was a success but in the past month i have been experiencing pain in my wrist , elbow and upper arm as it was at the start before i had surgery . is my symptoms normal or will i need to take further action and consult my doctor . Thanks........LIZ


Joshua Answers:

Hi Liz.

So....why exactly do you consider your Carpal Tunnel surgery a success when 7 months later all your original symptoms are returning?

Are your returning symptoms normal? In my experience, yes.

Why? Because surgery doesn't fix Tendonitis (And Carpal Tunnel is a type of Tendonitis).

Surgery cuts into a specific tight spot, but what caused the tight spot? The (alleged) tight spot is caused by other factors. The spot where you had surgery may or may not be where the problem ends up....but it's definitely not where it starts.

Go ahead and consult your doctor. Let's see what s/he says.

Let me know.

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And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert

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Comments for My Carpal Tunnel Surgery Was A Success...Was It Really?

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Apr 04, 2013
Had CTS on both hands in 2012
by: Bob

I had symptoms for about 35 years before carpal tunnel surgery. I had instant relief after surgery, but I sometimes have symptoms (about 1 year later) but not severe.

All things considered, I am glad I had the surgery.

Jan 24, 2013
Was Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery a good decision or what? You decide......
by: Brenda

Well I'm a 47 yr.old female mother of now four adult children,proud gramma of 7!

In October of 2012 I was becoming tired of my second shift hours so put in a bid for a first shift department as luck would have it I got everything hoped right along with the pleasant night awakenings of swollen, tingling , numbing pain that would awake me as faithful as an alarm clock; as if I downloaded an app right off the internet!

Jul 16, 2012
Carpal Tunnel Key Hole Surgery a success so far, 6 days after
by: Anonymous

I'm only 4 days after key hole surgery on my right wrist. The pain has been so minimal, I don't take any pain killers. I can move all my fingers, and so can do most miner tasks myself. I am so impressed at my surgeon, and so grateful for the care. I was anticipating much worse, and actually it's all just great.

I am so relieved to have finally made the decision to have the op and that it has been so good so far. I am looking forward to the bandages coming off and being able to sleep at night and function during the day without the problems of carpel tunnel. i do a very physical job, so I have planned lots of recovery time off. All advice about resting is useful to remember. So far, I am amazed at how easy it has all been and am glad to have done something about it.


Joshua Comments:

Hi Anonymous.

I'm glad it's gone well so far. Keep us updated!

May 16, 2011
my carpal tunnel surgery was a success!!
by: Anonymous

I believe that some people do not really have carpal tunnel when they are told they have it.

Everyone told they have carpal tunnel should see a chiropractor before having the surgery. My chiropractor tried to help with the pain and all that came with carpal tunnel, but was unsuccessful.

I had the carpal tunnel surgery, and instantly all pain and numbness and tingling were gone. And are still gone. So I do believe that surgery will work, but only if you have real carpal tunnel and not something a chiropractor could fix.

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