Musician and tendonitis questions for a paper I'm writing.
by Jelle Van Giel
(Vorselaar, Antwerpen, België)
Hi Joshua.
How are you?
Let me introduce myself. My name is Jelle Van Giel and I study Jazz at the conservatory of Antwerp (Belgium).
I'm in my fifth year and have to write a paper. I want to do that about injuries from playing the drums (because I'm a drummer).
So my question to you is:
1) if you ever had any experience with musicians, in particular drummers, who came to you with there injury?
2) What injuries do you think would be the most common with drummers, like tendonitis in the wrists, elbow, shoulder and Achilles? This because a drummer makes a lot of repetitive motions?
If you can give me some more information I would be very happy. I can find things on the net and in books but when I came to your site it was like all the information from the other sites was just bullshit.
Hope to hear from you soon,
Joshua Answers:Hello Jelle.
You said
"I can find things on the net and in books but when I came to your site it was like all the information from the other sites was just bullshit."Haha. AWESOME. I'll help you all you want just for that! I'm going to put that on my home page (unless you have an objection to me doing that).
I'll give short answers to your questions here, and then email you to find out exactly what you are looking for for your paper, and then we'll either talk
on this public forum, or by email depending on the requirements of your paper.
1. The musicians that come to me, drummers or otherwise, all share the common variable of being in severe pain and are somewhat 'forced' to find something that will help. They have tried the usual methods that don't work, and they have tried to ignore the pain as long as they could. Now they have to find a cure or quit playing their instrument.
That's when most people find me.
2. I would expect that most drummer's injuries would be at the fingers, hand, and wrist. But I find that it's at the elbow and shoulder. This makes sense when you start looking at how the body works and interacts with drumming.
I'd be happy to give you more information. Let's talk.
Joshua Answers:----------------------
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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