Multiple tendon ruptures after both Levaquin and Cipro taken in a couple months
by Michalann
I was administered Levaquin and Cipro within a couple of months late in the year of 2010 for cellulitis.
The levaquin was administered mostly by IV (although I have taken it orally)on prior occasions.
As I sit here in November of 2011 I have ruptured my left shoulder rotator cuff, & biceps tendon requiring 2 surgeries, my right shoulder..same thing and my left leg achilles tendon.
All seemingly doing nothing......the pain just begins out of nowhere and it is downhill from there. I am allergic to many of the more popular antibiotics and that is why I have been prescribed levaquin.
What disturbs me is that not one physician nor pharmacist warned me of the dangers and the "black box warning" is not on an IV bag. This has pretty much taken over my life and pain has become a standard for me.
They are unable to correct the achilles because it is in the same leg as the cellulitis and they do not want to risk opening it up.
I had another ruptured achilles in the right leg in 2005 or 2006 but cannot remember if I had taken levaquin then but probably had because that has become my doctors choice since I am allergic to so many others.
I do tell people, everyone who will listen to me hoping that it will help that no one else will have to go thru this.
Joshua Answers:Hello Michalann.
Yeah...doctors don't really believe that there's anything to worry about from Levaquin, or Cipro, or any other fluoroquinolone, (or any other pharmaceutical, for that matter) despite black box warnings and other fluoroquinolones
being removed from the market by the FDA.
And if the FDA actually removes a pharmaceutical from the shelves, you KNOW it's a -dangerous- drug.
Yikes. No more.
Fluoroquinolones massively deplete Magnesium and effectively kill the mitochondria that keep tendon cells alive.
More Levaquin will make it even worse. But more is not required to cause future tendon damage, as the damage has already been done and your body prevented from recovering due to, primarily, nutritional deficiency.
Levaquin Tendonitis is not even close to regular
Questions:1. What are you doing for self care other than pain meds?
2. Why have you been taking so many antibiotics?
3. Age.
4. Overall health history (might be same as #2)
5. General description of daily dietary intake.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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