MRI Shows Common Extensor Tendon Tear Will DVD Help?
by Jo
(NSW, Australia)
I received your DVD in the mail the other day - thankyou - sure makes sense.
I have recently had an MRI to my right elbow as the so called tennis elbow was not improving with physiotherapy, anti-inflammatories and icing - it showed clear cut evidence of intrasubstance tearing of the common extensor tendon.
Have you had good results with your treatment for tears as well as just tendonitis?
Joshua Answers:Hi Jo.
In short, the answer is 'yes'.
I imagine your particular case has consisted of:
1. increasing tightness and pain and inflammation
2. chronic and increasing tension on the tendon
3. some amount of wear and tear injury to the tendon
4. increasing wear and tear due to above factors, including some amount of Tendonosis degradation.
At a certain point, the tendon falls apart under pressure, literally.
Also, anti-inflammatory drugs really shouldn't be considered a 'treatment', and PT doing stetching and strengthening is, in my opinion, not the best thing to do because it puts more pull on a structurally comprimised tendon.
So, for the most part, the same things you will be doing for the Tendonitis dynamic, you will be doing for the tear.
Specifically, activity
#3. You will want to spend a little extra, careful, focused time on the tear site itself. Both with and without ice, depending on your mood. I would do ice primarily at first.
Also, For the first 7 days or so, I would put in as much time and effort as possible. You want to knock down the inflammation (activity #1), loosen the muscles and open up the connective tissue (Activity #3) as much as possible as fast as possible (to lower pain levels and take chronic tension off the tendon)
Make sense? I can always go into greater detail if you like.
More questions, more answers.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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