Levaquin Side Effects from taking Levaquin for a sinus infection May 12th
by Kristin
So I took Levaquin for a sinus infection on May 12th. May 13th, May 14th started feeling some joint pain, May 15th I took my last one as after that the pain got to be too much.
Joint pain is the best I could call it at the time.
It was bothering me while I was working and i'd get it in my fingers, arms, possibly knees? I was also on Avamys. So I stopped the Levaquin after seeing my doctor and she said "wait 48 hours"...i'd been reading already and really didn't expect anything to go away in that time, which it didn't. So, the last week and a half, I will try to summarize generally what's happening. Side effects from the Levaquin included itchy upper back and neck, a weird rash/skin darkening after laying on my stomach for an hour, a fever which I don't attribute to the sinusitis, being wide awake between 2-5am with a "dark" vibe through my body, and light headedness/nausea.
One day I had to call work sick because I couldn't stand for more than 10 seconds without almost passing out or throwing up. I believe that was May 16th. So i've been waking up between 2-5am every night feeling nauseous til about 2 nights ago.
OK, the muscle stuff. I started waking up to burning pain in my forearms by May 16th as well. My wrists became "floppy." I would close my hands slowly only to find I have trigger finger in my ring finger on my left hand, and pinkie on my right. I have had a hard time explaining this to anyone who asks. It's like my hands close too easily. I don't have to force anything, it's literally like they want to flop forwards, like there is clay inside instead of rubber.
There is zero pain when I first wake up with this. Along with that, the burning in the forearms, I have experienced kind of a numbness on the top of my forearm and onto the top of my hand just past my wrist. The burning is mild but it's like hot/cold, and it radiates a bit, kind of from the elbow towards the wrist.
I've tried to look at diagrams and videos of the forearm to see what it is but it's pretty difficult to pinpoint. Over time during the day to bend my wrists forward makes the skin on the top of my wrists feel tight.
When I become active at work, I use my hands a lot. I have lost a lot of strength in them. When this first started, I couldn't open an already opened bottle of pop (soda), which I can still barely do. My elbows couldn't handle more than 2 pounds of weight for carrying...they'd just start hurting and i'd stop. It has all been really come and go, and none of the pain stays.
But It comes out of nowhere, and it shoots down some of a finger, or down the bass of my thumb into my forearm a bit. Lasts 20 seconds, it goes away. My fingers are pressure sensitive to rigid things like corners of counters or if i hold a glass and it puts pressure on the side of my fingertip...it's awful.
If i accidentally knock my finger on something, it hurts. I should mention that the floppy feeling isn't just in the forearms and fingers, but I can feel it in my knees, my ankles flop from side to side, and to test my shoulders, I leaned forwards and let my arms hang....feels like there's nothing holding them on? But no pain!! And it's like my knees can bend back too far.
I started getting pain in my knees around the 20th, and they started to crack every time I got up. A lot of the pain is right to the inside of the kneecap on either side. I worked a full day on the 22nd, and my legs felt as though I had been standing for days on them.
I get burning pain up the side just to the right of the bone in my calf in the front on my right leg, and a symmetrical feeling in the left leg. The bottoms of my feet get sharp pains when I walk for too long. Also, I can't go into a full "squat" position without my knees seriously threatening to kill me. I have forgotten a couple times and paid for it. When I'm
using my hands to do things at work, my upper arm and shoulder muscles are tiring.
SO, I was at my doctor's on the 22nd. She pushed around on a bunch of places where the tendons connect to the bone and it didn't really bother me. She went up my forearm on my left hand which is the more sore one, and pressed into what she says was the "core" muscle tissue, which was really sensitive. I described what I could and she decided on Myositis.
I can find where she was pushing down, but it's almost at the elbow, and there is something hard there that's pretty painful to put pressure on. If I were to turn my palm perpendicular to the floor, then turn it clockwise 90 more degrees, and then go up my forearm almost to the elbow joint and put pressure right in the middle, looking down from the top, would I get muscle, or tendon?
Anyway, I would like to know what you think about the floppiness, the random burning/shooting pains that revolve mostly around my joints that my doc thinks is Myositis. I would have thought Myositis would be happening all over the bulk of my muscles. The only muscle cramp I ever really felt was standing at a concert a few nights ago (awful experience) and the front, very top of my thigh went into the most seriously awful cramp, because I kept lifting my leg to move with the music. But again it was SO close to my pelvic...uhh..joint? Why wouldn't my whole leg cramp?
Sometimes I even feel like I have bone sensitivity. Is that a thing? With the finger sensitivity and sometimes if i mush my calf bone (i forget the name of this!) on something, it's not so nice.
As I type, I have a burning sensation down the inside of my forearm, and at my wrist more near the outside. So random, and it will be gone in a few minutes. Also, a burning to the outside of my right kneecap, go down below that knobby bone thing, to the right of the calf bone, and in that little bulk...that burning has come back a couple times today.
So anyway, my doc says to just do whatever I normally do but don't overdo it. I still think I have tendons to worry about tearing, as it feels as though they have been softened or something. But Myositis presents with weakness....so I don't know? I have had very very very tiny improvements over 2 weeks, but barely worth mentioning. I have purchased the "levaquin tendonitis solution" Ebook, and am taking all the core vitamins plus the coQ10, and the Renew Life liver cleanse.
I can't really tell what is helping, because my stomach is still getting used to the magnesium doses. The weird shooting and floppyness kind of sort of goes away as i get moving throughout the day now, but my body will complain if i push something too hard. I also think my skin is itchy on my arms, but I have been using magnesium gel and epsom salts. THOSE feel amazing. At the very least, they have a relaxation effect on my body, and possibly the very muscles that are bothering me.
Sorry this is SO disjointed. I'm trying not to forget anything, as it seems like there is so much to include. I will e-mail if I think of anything else. Sorry if there's TMI about other unrelated things to my pain...i don't know what is relevant! This is such a mysterious thing.
Thank-you Joshua,
Joshua Answers:Hi Kristin.
Ok, Levaquin, that's bad news. But you've already figured that out, and kudo's for getting the Levaquin Tendonitis Solution.
You don't just have joint pain and floppyness etc. You have
Levaquin Tendonitis, which means that the Levaquin antibotic has done a number on your body.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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