Levaquin IV 3 Days and Two Levaquin pills and I'm down
by Marilyn
In hospital for minor foot infection. Different IV 3 days. Off IV. 750 mg Levaquin one evening, another dose next morning. They gave me Levaquin information at discharge.
Next day had swelling of ankle and knee, tendon pain back of lower leg. Stomach pain, loss of appetite, muscle weakness, feel awful. Over the next week ability to walk is diminshing. Pain developing in both knees, both hips and spreading to entire pelvic girdle, both wrists and left shoulder. ie weakness/pain of connective tissue of those joints.
By three months have lost 10 pounds, mostly muscle and can not walk more than a couple steps without support. Muscle and connective tissue in pelvic area doesn't have enough strength to pick up and move leg without taking some of the weight off - hence using a walker. Muscle of legs, especially lower legs, burn especially at night and upon standing. Knees sometimes burn when lying in bed.
I've been helped by continuous chiropractic care for keeping aligned especially pelvic area which was compromised by previous injury. Nutritional supplements support organ systems, kidney, liver especially detoxification, mitochondrial support, etc. , mitochondria. Homeopathic heavy metal removal. IV l-glutathione. I believe the most help has been from lymphatic drainage from a massage therapist using an electronic device. I am trained in the use of a cold red laser and that helps reduce pain.
The above therapies are used simultaneously so it is hard to say which is helping the most. Unknown
anemic condition contributed to weakness and shortness of breath.
Joshua Answers:Hi Marilyn.
Thanks for sharing! Though I'm sorry to hear of your situation.
Unfortunately you're a great example of how
Levaquin Tendonitis can cause a body to quickly descend into a negative chain reaction.
Sometimes it's a slow snowball. Sometimes it ALL hits at once (like the next day). And sometime it's a quickly growing snowball.
And in cases of Levaquin cytotoxicity, there's nothing wrong with throwing EVERYTHING at it in hopes of giving your body a chance to recover.
Have symptoms settled out now, or are they continuing to get worse?
I'm curious of how much of each of those individual factors are you supplementing with?
And what's your Vitamin D level?
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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