Knee Problem in 63 year old runner!
by gary
(Albany, NY USA)
Joshua, I'm the 63 year old sprinter you helped last year when I had an Achilles problem, that has cleared up.
This past summer I entered 8 track meets in 8 weeks, probably too many in a row, in my last meet I injured my right knee, my first knee problem in 50 years of running and lifting.
Initially I iced took time off, but then attempted to run easy and I believe I aggravated the injury. When I hurt it in the meet I did not hear a pop, it was more of a hitch in my right lateral area. That has cleared up, but now I have discomfort in my patella.
I can stationary bike, power walk and jog/walk without much discomfort, I wear a cho-pot brace, I cannot and will not attempt to sprint. I stopped doing body weight squats and wall slides, it aggravates the patella, I do however, do step-ups and seated leg extensions at home with just 2.5 pounds, this seems to help.
I feel the patella going up stairs but not down, there is SLIGHT stiffness in the morning but not bad. The patella loves the bike, I ice after all exercises and put moist heat the day after or wear a thermacare knee wrap. The only place I feel discomfort is right on the knee cap, not an awful pain but it's there.
I have had the knee looked at by two chiropractors and have had a few massages by my LMT, she feels that the knee is healthy, no swelling, no abnormal pain, nothing jumps out at her, she believes the injury has become either patella tendonitis or runner's knee.
I have avoided getting an MRI, quite expensive and my LMT whom I trust and like believes I don't need
Can you please offer your opinion either concurring with her or offering your own?
This has been the worst injury I have ever sustained and it has become quite frustrating not being able to train like I want to. If you were to ask if the knee is getting better or worse, I'd say "better" but progress is SLOW.
Looking forward to your trusted opinion.
Joshua Answers:Hey Gary.
Our original conversation was
Okay, so.
1. Are you injured? Or are you just hurting?
2. Where -exactly- are you hurting?
3. Superficial? Deep? Sharp? Dull? Constant? Intermittant?
4. Did you have ANY symptoms in the first 7 track meets?
5. As a concept of
Tendonitis, do you think you have -damage-, or just -irritation-?
6. What exactly are you doing to combat the
Process of Inflammation?
I have a couple suggestions, but curious for the answers to the above questions.
Glad to see you're so active after beating your
Achilles Tendonitis!
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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Dec 11, 24 08:57 PM
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