Knee pain above the kneecap especially with volleyball and jumping
by Will
I am a 34 yr. old male that has been very active.
I am a martial artist and participate in other sports as well. I put myself through very physical routines. I have had achilles and biceps tendonitis before, but just recently I started having pain right above my kneecap near the very top outside edge on my left knee.
I had an x-ray which was negative.
I have not had an MRI, but have been going to physical therapy for 2 weeks. I can feel a little tightness after exercise right where the vastus lateralis tendon is I think. It was difficult for me to do deep lunges, single leg squat, and after heavy workouts I could even notice it walking down stairs. The exercise that I would get the most pain was playing volleyball.
It would be fine for a half hour or so then it would start hurting. It hurts on jumping; the takeoff hurt mildly, but on landing it would shoot a brief but painful sensation in that outer, upper knee area.
I have been resting it and it feels better doing most things, so I test it playing volleyball and it starts hurting again.
My physical therapist thought I might have an inflamed bursa, but other than that they haven't been able to tell me exactly what the problem is.
I know my knee also hasn't been tracking properly
when this conditon started. I would appreciate any input on what you might think the problem is.
Thank you,
Joshua Answers:Hello Will. Thanks for all the details.
So....I have some more questions.
1. Does if feel like in the joint, our ouside the joint? Can you find it/press on it with your finger?
2. Describe the pain. Sharp, dull, broad, specific, etc. The more detail the better.
3. What exactly about lunges was difficult? Pain? Felt like it would hurt? Didn't want to let you stretch/go the distance?
4. X-ray wouldn't show anything tendon related except a giant tear. What exactly were they looking for?
5. Say more about the poor knee tracking thing.
6. Even if the PT can't identify the problom (really??), we should be able to narrow it down, and give you some things to help.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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