Knee Pain Above and Inside the Knee Caps in a 16 year old softball pitcher
by Caela
I am a 16 year old female and, within the past year or so, been having knee pains. I get aching pains within my knees and above the kneecap whenever I walk too much, sit for too long, run, kneel, sit crossed leg etc.
If I press right above the knee where the pain is, it relieves it for about a second and then continues to hurt. It may be helpful to include that I am a softball pitcher and I believe that is how it all started.
As I'm sure you've seen softball pitchers before, we get a pretty large leap during our windup and when we land on our front foot all of our weight is on that leg. It is also a very sudden stop.
I first started noticing the knee pain after maybe the third game that week. I had been playing for two teams at the time, so I was pitching a lot. I didn't really notice it while pitching, but after the inning ended I limped off the field practically in tears.
My knee was shaking uncontrollably. I had no idea what to do and the only one that noticed was my catcher. I decided not to say anything and continue with the game, although my catcher told me to tell her if it got worse. Well, once pitching again I didn't feel it, but once I stopped it was even worse.
At the end of the game I was in tears and iced it when I got home, but it hasn't really gone away since.
I don't know what the problem could be besides that. I'm not overweight or anything... I'm 5'7" and 115 pounds... I haven't seen a doctor
about it yet, I was going to wait until my next physical...any ideas please?
Joshua Answers:Hi Caela.
Thanks for all the info. That's a great start.
Let's investigate.
Questions:1. You said 'pain for over a year', but you also said '3 games that week'.
Please create a specific linear timeline for me. When did it first start, how did it progress, what made it worse, when was that knee shaking episode, etc. Tell me the ups and downs too.
2. Describe the pain in greater detail. Sharp? Dull? Constant? Hurts and night? When you're on it, when you're off it? Does icing help? Does a weekend off it help?
3. Where exactly does it hurt? Same/different in both legs?
4. Elaborate on the 'tightness/stiffness'. Can you hear a squeaking sound if you bend/straighten you knee?
5. How much do you think 'growing pains' might be playing in this?
6. Do you wear sun screen when you're out playing and such?
7. How's your overall health? Digestion? Energy levels?
8. Previous knee injury? Car injury? etc?
9. How long have you been playing softball/pitching?
10. Anything else that would be interesting/helpful to me?

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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