Jumpers Knee Solutions?
by Durome
(Nottingaham, England)
Is this pain in the knee from Jumpers Knee?
Hi, it's Durome.
* The knee pain I endure is shooting pain mixed with aching and limited movement. This is just on normal days but mostly after a match or training session of basketball, its all too frequent because I train a lot so maybe 4-5 days a week.
* The pain is right under the cap of my knee like right on the joint of the end of my knee leading into my lower leg (see image provided)
* I went to a physiotherapist through the doctors but it was more "Oh your glutes seem a lil weak".
After a few poking n prodding, given an exercise and sent home.
So because I play basketball I go to the gym and do a lot of leg work outs i.e. Leg Press, Leg Curl, Squats, Lunges with weights and Calf Raises.
* I'm 20 turning 21 I'm approx 6ft6/6ft7 and weigh about 88kg.
* I have had this for a while now and I would really like to sort it so I can become more efficient at basketball.
Thank you for your time to read this it means a lot.
Joshua Answers:Hi Durome.
Thanks for the info.
That physio sure didn't sound helpful. At all.
1. You're 20, possibly still doing a little bit of growing. That can leave the body a little wonky. Even if you are done growing, it can take a good long while for the body to make all the adjustments after growing. 6'7" took a lot of growing to achieve.
2. You use your body and legs and knees a lot, obviously.
Usually athletes lift and run a lot, but spend about 3 minutes stretching. If you want to thrive and succeed in the sports world, you need to start spending 30 minutes a day stretching your hips, glutes, adductors, hamstrings, and quads.
If adductors, hamstrings, and quads aren't appropriately lengthened and balanced, it will pull funny on the knee, affect your stride, etc.
I can't really help you there, but for this conversation, stretch your quads. A lot.
If they are tight, they put constant tension and strain on the tendons that they connect to. Even when you sleep.
You want to stretch not just to lengthen muscle, but also to keep connective tissue loose and mobile. Otherwise, everything just starts shrinking down, which
is tough on the body.
3. You could have Patella Tendonitis. That makes sense with your activities and the picture. That's hamstrings and quads too tight, to start with.
The top arrow is pointing close to the Medial Meniscus. I was off my knee for 2 months once because I bruised/ground up my meniscus. Doesn't really sound like you have that happening.
4. Maybe you have actual tendon wear and tear damage, maybe you just have irritation and inflammation.
5. The Western diet sucks. It's safe to say that you need some bone and connective tissue support.
Plus, I'm making the assumption that since you're 20 you eat fast food and drink soda. Correct me if that's accurate.
Regardless, I suggest you start using this recipe.
Essential Bone BrothThis will make your bones and connective tissue strong. I'm going to make a webpage talking all about it in the next few days.
You can put the broth over rice, throw in some vegetables and various kinds of meat to make soup or stew, fry up some eggs in it.
It is the raw materials your body needs. And if you want to be an athlete, you need a strong structure that can withstand and thrive with your activity.
6. So tell me more about the pain.
Please describe the shooting, ache, and limited mobility in more detail.
Also, does your knee squeak (sometimes) when you bend/straighten it?
7. Are you doing anything for it now, as far as self care to help it?
8. Also, why do you think it's knee tendonitis, as opposed to anything else?
9. If you feel around the area, and maybe dig in a little bit, is it a general pain, or can you find specific big or small spots of sharp/significant pain?

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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