How many Joint Pain Causes are there?
Let's talk about the major causes of joint pain.
Some causes of joint pain are local, meaning they're specific to a single physical dynamic. This type of pain is caused by impacts, biomechanical dysfunction, and the Tendonitis dynamic. This can cover more than one joint, but it's from a specific cause that will only affect those limbs.
The other category of causes of painful joints is -systemic-. A systemic issue in the body affects the whole system, and can effect anywhere from all joints down to just a single joint.
The following list of topics are 'diseases' that your doctors will tell you are the source of your joint pain. They're not really diseases, but let's go with that as a category for the moment.
In fact, the following 'diseases' are really just -symptoms- of deeper and reversible issues.
Fibromyalgia is primarily an issue of nutritional deficiency and poor gut ecology, and thus systemic inflammation. In most cases, there is widespread pain, including joint pain.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
See 'Fibromyalgia' above.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Like Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis has it's origins in an unhealthy gut ecology, nutritional insufficiency, and systemic inflammation.
See: Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms
Osteoarthritis is a function of long term joint compression from too tight muscle and connective tissue. Basically, the Tendonitis dynamic.
Usually joint pain only occurs in one or two joints, unless there is widespread joint damage from something impactfully traumatic like a car crash.
Osteoporosis is simply a function of long term nutritional deficiency.
Joint pain from osteoporosis is usually in the neck or back or hip.
See: Osteoporosis
For the record, none of the above are responsible for Sudden Onset Joint Pain (which is not the same thing as a 'flare up' of a pre-existing condition).
Systemic Causes of Joint Pain
Ultimately, there are only two Systemic causes of joint pain.
Anything that causes a big enough inflammatory response in the body can result in joint pain. It doesn't matter whether it's a Local inflammation that persists long enough to set off a chain reaction that causes systemic inflammation, or a sudden event that triggers systemic inflammation. Inflammation causes problems, period.
The key factors of Inflammation are Swelling and the release of Pain Enhancing Chemical. The chemical sets your neurorecptors on edge, the swelling of a joint in and of itself is painful, and if the body thinks there's a problem it sends in white blood cells and 'heat'.
Getting stuck in an Inflammatory state means a persistant build up of negative factors.
Nutritional Deficiency
Most of us don't take in enough good nutrition. Just because you eat a lot doesn't mean you're getting enough nutrition. Especially if you're eating the standard American diet.
Due to lifestyle factors, it's a safe bet to assert that you are deficient in Vitamin D, Magnesium, good fats, quality protein and various connective tissue nutrients.
If your body doesn't have enough of those, it can't work optimally. And if it's not working well, then bad things start happening. Yes, that's a very technical statement, I know.
The body is always cleaning up the constant breakdown that happens in the body. Normal metabolism means cells are constantly dying and being replace. This includes 'cleaning up the streets' and other normal detoxification processes.
Nutritional deficiency causes all sorts of problems, including inflammation and the sensation of pain. For instance, while it may be a question of whether it's the chicken or the egg, Inflammation Causes Vitamin B6 Deficiency
As I said above, Joint Pain comes from two directions: Local and Systemic.
Local Causes of Joint Pain:
Impact: This is from a fall, an accident with impact, and even something like going for a run. Whether it's one big hit or lots of little hit, impact causes a joint to swell and hurt.
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Chronic Tightness: The way the body works, muscles get tighter and tighter over time. Then connective tissue shrinkwraps. These structures cross joints. And when they're tight, they compress the joint. Sooner or later, it is very common to get joint pain if you have Tendonitis.
See: What Is Tendonitis?
Inflammation: A variety of factors, including both of the above cause a Process of Inflammation. Inflammation releases Pain Enhancing Chemical, which increases your sensitivity.
Pain: Ironically enough, pain causes pain. Literally. If you hurt your joint in any way shape or form, your body will feel pain. And the way your body responds to pain is with muscle tightness and pain. That's the Pain Causing Dynamic.
These Joint Pain Causes are usually pretty obvious and people dont' worry about them. They predictably hurt for a while, and then slowly go away.
Impact Injury
You fall off a ladder, are in a car accident, fall down the stairs (or even just miss the last step on the way down and jolt an ankle or knee), or hit your elbow on something.
The body responds with an Inflammation Process. You will have some amount of swelling whether it's visible or not. And you will have a big release of Pain Enhancing Chemical.
It's also possible to get a bone bruise, which is another thing entirely, though it's usually not joint related (unless you impact the joint itself).
Endurance Activity Injury
You go run a marathon, or just a mile or two. Or you play a long game of tennis or racket ball, etc.
The muscles are strained and compress the joint, and there's an inflammation process. The joint itself can get irritated, inflamed, and possibly (rarely) bruised from the repeated impacts.
Nutritional Deficiency
Surprisingly enough, nutritional deficiency can cause symptoms similar to Wrist Tendonitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tennis Elbow, etc.
Symptoms of those can often include joint pain (because muscles are tight and are compressing and irritating the joints).
It is important to understand that nutritional deficiency can create pain symptoms of muscle pain, aching joint, painful joint, etc.
For all of the above you'll want to learn How To Reduce Inflammation.
Bone Spur
Stress on a bone can cause formation of a bone spur. Bone spurs can grow outside of a joint or inside the joint.
Obviously if the spur is touching/grinding on the joint that will cause pain/problem.
But for instance, in the case of Heel Spur Symptoms, where the bone spur is on the heel in/on/under the achilles tendon attachment to the heel bone, joint pain can develop due the increased/increasing tighntess of the Achilles that then compress the foot into the lower leg bones (ankle joint).
See: Bone Spur
The following Joint Pain Causes result in long term pain dynamics.
People end up going to see their doctors, and almost always get a diagnosis and prescription for pharmaceuticals. Which explains why people suffer from these for decades and lifetimes.
Gluten Intolerance
Despite what your doctors tell you, Rheumatoid Arthritis and auto-immune diseases are not a diseases. They are SYMPTOMS of a mechanical dysfunction in the body. Out of balance, as they say.
The cause of Rheumatoid Arthritis and auto-immune disease is a Systemic dysfunction, the same kind of dysfunction as if you poured sugar into the gas tank of your car.
The primary culprit is Gluten Intolerance.
Gluten (wheat) is an inflammatory agent, and Rheumatoid Arthritis is one of the many possible long term side effect of being Gluten Intolerant.
In short, two things happen systemically with Gluten Intolerance:
Basically, gluten makes your body red and inflamed, swollen and painful.
Guess what happens when you stop eating gluten (and other inflammatory agents)?
Those symptoms go away and you can start to feel better!
Sugar, while it tastes GREAT!, is bad for you. Everybody knows, this, including you.
A little bit of sugar is probably ok, all things in moderation, but the Standard Smerican Diet (SAD) includes HUGE amounts of sugar.
Soda's, teas, many drinks, snacks, almost every processed food, etc has sugar. Next time you go to the store take a look and food labels and see how many products have a sugar and/or corn syrup as one of the top three ingredients.
Sugar is an inflammatory agent. It irritates your body. It also steals nutrition from your body, as vitamins and minerals are used up as your body processes the empty calories of sugar.
Sugar also helps create an unhealthy ecology in your gut, helping foster parasites, bacterial infections like H Pylori, and Candida (yeast) overgrowth. Sugar also depresses your immune system.
In short, sugar limits your body's ability to be healthy, and can help set you up for long term pain.
Nutritional Deficiency
And here we are again at Nutritional Deficiency. Nutritional deficiency causes the body to work poorly, that that always ends up as some kind of pain.
Long Term Joint Pain Causes: Summary
People who suffer joint pain for decades from auto immune 'diseases' like Rheumatoid Arthritis -think- they're suffering from RA, but really they are suffering from something that is causing Inflammation in their body.
Remember, the auto-immune disease is just a symptom of a deeper mechanism. Something is -causing- that auto-immune response.
If you're reading this page you're probably a sufferer of a long term joint pain.
But Joint Pain can often be just a short term experience.
The main causes of this is either the LOCAL joint pain situations above (injury and accident), or from the inflammatory process caused by infection.
Do you remember getting a flu or a cold, and your muscles and joints ache?
Nobody worries about those. They hurt for a while and then feel better.
It's also valuable to know that short term joint pain causes can become long term.
Like joint pain during pregnancy, a short term issue can become a long term issue.
If you stub or sprain a finger, the immediate Finger Joint Pain can become chronic.
Joint pain pain and inflammation creates -more- pain and inflammation. This can feed on itself to create more pain and inflammation for months, years, decades..
Sometimes healing takes a long time. The injury itself often heals pretty fast, but you can still have pain from it for a lifetime. This is why.
But you can do a few easy things and greatly increase your healing time! For instance, find out what causes joint pain.
Any joint or combination of joints can have pain and problem.
For more information on specific locations see below:
Facet Joint
See: Facet Joint Pain
Finger Joint
See: Finger Joint Pain
Hand Joints
See: Hand Joint Pain
Jaw Joint
See: Jaw Joint Pain
Shoulder Joint
See: Shoulder Joint Pain
Thumb Joint
See: Thumb Joint Pain
Toe Joint
See: Toe Joint Pain
SI Joint
See: SI Joint Pain
Big Toe Joint
See: Big Toe Joint Pain
Knuckle Joint
Elbow Joint
Upper Arm Pain
AC Joint
Neck Joint
See: Neck Joint Pain
Hip Joint
If you've been suffering from Joint Pain for years or decades, it's time to fix the problem.
Drugs aren't going to fix you. They haven't yet, and they never will.
Joint pain causes it's own problems. So, ironically, the joint pain causes more joint pain, and other problem.
Drugs just put a band aid on a wound, they don't heal the wound.
The bad news is, it will take a little work and some change of habit to move your body towards working optimally.
The good news is, there's no mystery to it. Your joint pain is there for a reason.
Once you find out what causes joint pain, you can correct the causes. Find the reason, and reverse the mechanism.
It really is that easy.
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