Is it possible that I have a genetic disorder which has caused my tendonitis?
by Stephen R
(Livingston, Scotland, UK)
I am aware that this is an odd question, but it is one I have considered since my first diagnosis almost 4 years ago.
As a child I had problems with my hand writing which has been highlighted through my entire academic career. Most of my work was illegible and i have always been below average with sports. I have, since I can remember, always been able to bend my thumb backwards at an angle of 90 degrees without touching it. My tendons (in my hands) do not remain tight in my fingers, rather than seem fixed they slide on and off of my knuckles. I have arches in both feet but my right foot seems to flatten as weight is placed upon it. I received occupational therapy at 10 which resulted in a diagnosis of slow hand eye coordination. This has since been disproved. A GP then unofficially stated in an appointment that I had loose tendons.
After changing schools and GP most of the relevant information disappeared, the help my mother had fought for was halted. The symptoms remained but I had no diagnosis. I vaguely remember the term 'hyper mobility'.
It's been over 13 years since this information disappeared, I'm a 25 year old man. I have been diagnosed with chronic tendonitis in my entire right arm. This began with wrist tendonitis and golfer's elbow. I have been tested for carpal tunnel and have received only non steroid anti inflammatories and mild pain killers. During the summer I appear healthy with only a few small pains from time to time. In the winter I am uncomfortable all the time and unable to even carry my groceries. Cold objects send pain through my entire arm. At best I have no endurance, when I push through that I become useless for several days. I have gotten to the point now where The pain feels almost normal.
Since my initial diagnosis I have began to feel pain in
both arms, hands, wrists, elbows and rotator cuffs. I have experienced back and knee pain also. I am not in agony all the time, but that is due to avoiding heavy lifting. I used to work in a recycling plant where DIY and extremely heavy lifting were regular tasks. I was a passionate guitarist and am now a business student which involves allot of typing. I also play video games.
I am aware there is a lot that these symptoms could mean, but I deeply believe I have an underlying condition which has caused this. I cannot afford private help care and the doctors at my local practice here in the UK seem to be at a loss. I'm 25 but I feel 50. Thank you for listening and doing what you do. I hope you can help.
Joshua Answers:Hi Stephen.
Sounds like something along the lines of Ehlers Danlos to me.
Ehlers Danlos and TendonitisIt's a genetic condition causing extreme hyper mobility, when then leads to the rest of your symptoms.
Start with the link above, and we'll go from there.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
Tendonitis Treatment That Works DVD's


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