Indifferent results and burning pain after icing for guitar tendonitis?
by Don
(Brisbane, Australia)
Hello Joshua,
After battling tendinitis for seven years, (ex-guitarist, and truck driver, both careers lost) I purchased your e-book on guitarist tendinitis.
Of course, I still suffer ongoing symptoms, so after beginning you icing protocol, incorporating the DH exercise, (sparingly done after reading your warning) I now find myself with nasty burning pain I have not experienced in over two years. far from happy!
Icing results in 'vascular constriction', constriction, of course meaning tightening, which must result in shortening of tissue... and I'm here to tell you, that spells PAIN... my own doctor has warned me that excessive icing will actually CAUSE its own problem with
as mentioned, I have not had BURNING pain in over two years, yet after beginning the protocol, it has returned with a vengeance... I am really not the mood for starting over, after seven years of battling this malady... freezing, shrinking, and shortening, just does not make sense.... please respond, I am at my wit's end..
Joshua Answers:Hi Don.
Let's investigate.
1. In gerneral, do you have cold hands and feet?
2. Historically if you have iced before with an ice pack or some such, have you had any issues with that?
3. Please describe when you have this burnign pain. During icing, after icing, etc? How long does it last?
4. Where exactly do you feel the burning pain?
5. Have you started the nutrition as suggested?
6. Briefly describe
for me your pre-ebook symptoms so I have an idea of your specific scenario. What hurts, how bad, when, what helps, what hurts, etc.
Yes cold creates constriction. But it also then causes the body to push in lots of new blood and nutrtion.
My guess is that either A. Your body isn't dealing well with the stress of the temporary constriction or B. With the flush of circulation in and out, you are all of a sudden feeling all the pain enhancing chemical that's been stuck in the tissue.
Or a combination of both.
Answer the above questions, that will give me a better idea or what's going on and thus can better comment on what to do next.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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