Ice Dipping - When?
by Zach
With the ice dip procedure for wrist tendonitis, is the dipping supposed to be done once a day, dipping the wrist at least 10 times in a 2 hour span? Or, is it supposed to be done a few times a day? I read it to mean I would do it for one 2 hour span once a day for 3-7 days, but I want to make sure this is correct.
Joshua Answers:Hi Zach.
Wrist Tendonitis icing question highlights the challenge I've been having of getting a vague idea across definitively.
I primarily suggest that people Ice Dip a minimum of 10 dips within a 2 hour time frame.
Your understanding of what I wrote is right on, and the other questions that came up are great questions.
Ten 10 second dips in a two hour period. That is the beginning recipe.
And, it doesn't have to be ten times, or within 2 hours.
(Although within two hours is more effective than one dip every hour throughout the day.)
With pain, injury, and inflammation, it really is The More The Merrier.
10 Dips in 2 hours will make a huge difference to the vast majority of individuals.
And, if you are in a lot of pain, the more you ice dip, the faster it will go away. So if you Ice Dip 40 times in a day, that very likely will have a more beneficial effect on reversing your wrist tendonitis dynamic than just ten times.
And ten times causes incredible results.
Pain Causing DynamicI recommend the beginning recipe for 7 days to begin stopping and then reversing the Downward Spiral.
Then you will learn what that recipe can do for you and your Tendonitis self-care, and then adjust more or less as necessary.
Also, once the pain is gone, you may find it wise to continue icing for at least another week, to help support your body as it heals and moves in an Upward Spiral.
Does that answer your question(s)?
Keep me updated, and ask any other questions that come up.
Let's get you completely out of pain.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
Tendonitis Treatment That Works DVD's


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