I have had pain in my ankle and outer leg, the paroneal tendon I'm guessing
by Lucero
(Auburn, Massachusetts)
I have been having this pain in my ankle and outer left leg for a little over three months. I have done just about everything I could do. It is definitely not unbearable pain, but it is tender and ver uncomfortable at this point. I just don't want to feel like this anymore. I don't want it to be an issue anymore!
At first I really believed it was a shin splint or a stress fracture in my left tibia, but everything seemed fine in the MRI. Now I am starting to think it was never a shin splint and really muscular or something wrong with the tendon?
When I jump my left is extremely weak, well the ankle is at least. The pain is in my ankle and goes up the outside of my leg. What should I do?
I just want to run without having to worry about this constantly? Will it take a long time. I mean it's already been three months. Is that normal? In the beginning I even took a lot of time off and gave the leg or ankle a good rest. I don't have a clue what the problem is. Do you have any answers and suggestions for me?
Joshua Answers:Well, I don't have answers or suggestions yet, but I will after you answer more questions.
:) Let's jump right to it.
1. Is the structure actually weak, or does it just feel weak?
2. If you lift your right leg,
can you raise yourself up on your left foot/toes, like a 'calf raise'?
3. Does it hurt when you use your ankle, or when you are at rest, or both?
4. You said run and jump. What activities have you been doing/do you do?
5. Did some specific event start this, or did it come on slowly over time?
6. Where exactly is the 'outer leg' pain? Upper leg, lower leg?
7. Any pain anywhere else?
8. Where exactly in the ankle, where exactly in the outer leg? Have you tracked it down in an anatomy book/picture?
9. How old are you?
10. Please describe you pain/symptoms in as much detail as possible.
Lucero, let's get this Tendonitis problem figured out. Keep in mind, there are a lot of different
Leg Pain Causes.
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And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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