I can hardly hold anything in my left hand due to weakness and pain in my wrist!!
by Maria arteaga
(Hayward, California )
Hello..well first of all I should start with saying that my name is Maria and I am 21 years old..
I just had a baby 2 and a half months ago.
About a month before giving birth (approximately July) I started to develop some pain in my left arm..the part right above my Wrist. As time went by the pain got worse and started traveling down to my wrist and thumb.
It hurts so bad I can't even do my daily activities.
I ended up going to the emergency room about 3weeks ago due to the fact that I woke up with the same horrible pain in my wrist but this time the bone in my thumb was popping back and forth a few times.
So after waiting 4 long hours in the E.R. the doctor then decide to give me a splint and diagnosed me with tendinitis. The ibuprofen he gave me did nothing for me. I then proceeded on to seeing another doctor. She diagnosed me with tendinitis as well.
I should mention that neither doctors performed an xray on me to rule anything else Out. So 4 months later I still have this horrendous pain and nothing seems to help. I go back to work December 2nd and would love to have some improvement by then because I work in a fast paced restaurant.
Also I must mention that I can't hold a lot of things with my hand such as a plate or my phone.
Thank you so much and I hope to hear from you soon!
Joshua Answers:Hello Maria.
Congrats on the new baby.
Bummer on the wrist tendonitis and pain.
Question is, is it really
I doubt it, but maybe.
Is Tendonitis?I have a lot to say, but answer these questions first just to make sure my first impression is correct.
QUESTIONS:1. What have you historically done with your hands? Have you had a hand intensive job? Sports?
2. Did the pain come on fast or slow? Did you do anything that started it?
3. What did the doctors do that had them diagnose you with Tendonitis?
4. Are you the stereotypical 21 year old, as far as exercise and diet? (Meaning, no exercise and crappy but normal american diet?)
5. Overall health?
6. Where do you fall in the weight range? Asking this both for nutritional clues and posture clues.
7. How was the pregnancy, other than the onset of arm/wrist pain?
8. Please describe symptoms in more detail. Numbness when and where? Weakness how and when? Say more about the bone popping thing.
9. Are you very flexible? Can you touch your thumb to your forearm? If you straighten your arm, does it bend past straight?
Answer those and we'll go from there.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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