How is Golfer's Elbow different from Tennis Elbow?
by Rob
I am active in various sports and just finished my senior year of high school.
I was a quarterback in football and wrestled too. My dad is big into squash so I play that too.
I've been having ache and pain in my right arm. It was around the last half of the football season, and felt it through wrestling and squash.
It never got horrible, but I'm the only guy on my teams that have this.
Is this tendonitis? Aren't I too young for tendonitis?
And I've looked into it online, and it seems I have both Golfers elbow and Tennis Elbow. Can you have both?
I read your website. Is there really no difference between them other than the side of the arm they're on?
I want to play college ball, but this pain isn't going away. Will it go away on it's own? Please advise.
Joshua Answers:Hey Rob.
No, you're not too young for Tendonitis. Young athletes across the country can take their bodies towards a state of pain and problem just like anybody else can.
You just still have youth on your side.
You grip and throw with your arm.
You grip and swing with your arm.
You do all sorts of things while wrestling that require your forearm muscles to work hard.
Over and over.
And it's likely that nutrition plays a role for you.
Cut the sugar, the processed foods, add in raw milk,
Bone Broth, more protein and more organic dark green leafy vegetables.
Even doctors now say that vitamins and mineral supplementation is something everyone should be doing. (And if doctors ever say anything about -prevention-, you know they're a good 20 years behind the curve of research
and current knowledge/wisdom)
Yes, the only real difference between Golfer's Elbow and Tennis Elbow is the side of the forearm that it's on.
Yes, you can certainly have both.
Tendonitis is a dynamic that exactly matches the activities a person does with their body.
What Is Tendonitis?If you want to play college ball without pain, you better get to work learning the self-care that you will need to continue to use your body the way you do -and- counter the side-effects.
I just worked on a bunch of top tier athletes this last weekend at the
2009 Crossfit Games.
Some were 'rock hard'. Some were 'soft as butter'.
The difference? Enough of the right kind of self-care: massage, self-massage (like with a foam roller), nutrition, enough sleep, enough water, etc.
My point is, if you work out X amount, you will need to do Y amount of self-care to keep your body soft, relaxed, etc.
This will help you stay injury free.
Get to work. If you have any questions, let me know.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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