Horrible Effects of Levaquin-warning to the unaware!
by Juliette
(Plumas County, California)
My 47 yr old previously healthy husband had abdominal surgery, got post-op pneumonia 2 days later, even though he did immediately use the breathing exercise machine every hour, and got up and walked frequently.
He was prescribed levofloxacin (Levaquin) which was effective at curing the pneumonia very quickly. Within 24 hours of beginning the levaquin he began to experience shoulder pain which got progressively worse over the next week. We did not worry too much at that point as the surgeon had told us that shoulder pain is common after laparoscopic surgery due to the gas used which can travel upwards in the body.
We were also unaware at that time of the potential side effect from levaquin. After a week and the pain had not gone away we researched and discovered that tendonitis/rupture could be caused by the levaquin.
We saw the doctor immediately, who prescribed very high dose ibuprofen, and norco for the pain and said that if this didn't help the next step would be steroids.
The pain has not really improved much, the norco takes the edge off it. We are seeing the doctor today , presumably my husband will be put on steroids, I hope that works. He is meant to be returning to work in 2 weeks and he has a physically demanding job , so can only return when he is fit.
Information I have read states that this tendonitis problem can be permanent, I really hope it is not.
Joshua Answers:Hi Juliette.
I really hope that it's not permanent too.
By default, people tend to fall into two different categories: they either get better within a year, or they don't.
I also hope that you find a different doctor. If he were at all up to date on medical research he'd know
that corticosteroids and Levaquin are a no no.
Levaquin Tendonitis is NOT regular
Tendonitis. Corticosteroids not only won't help, they can make things worse.
So. Including whatever health issues he already had in place, he took Levaquin, which among other things massively depleted magnesium. This causes all sorts of pain and problem.
He already had a
Pain Causing Dynamic raging from the surgery (which includes a
Process of Inflammation and pain enhancing chemical coursing through his body), and the levaquin dynamic made that worse.
If he wants to get better, he needs to replace what the Levofloxacin stripped from his body, and bolster nutritionally so his body can heal, repair, and just as importantly begin to operate properly and optimally again.
Questions:1. How is your husband doing now?
2. How was his health previous to the abdominal surgery. Or, why did he have surgery?
3. Other than ibuprofen and steroids, what has your husband done to help his body heal?
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert