Do you only have Hip Pain While Sleeping?
If you have pain when sleeping and standing and waking and sitting, etc, then there's no mystery. The same factors that hurt you while you're up cause you pain when you're down.
Ironically (maybe), it's STILL the same forces that cause pain in hour hips when you're up, they're just not bad enough yet.
Sometimes 'first' symptoms are only noticed when up and active. But for some people they are only noticed when at rest.
Tightness causes hip pain while sleeping. There's more to it than that, of course, but ultimately, it's all about muscle and connective tissue tightness.
We like to think that when we sleep our muscles relax. But that's not even close to 10)% true.
When muscles (and surrounding connective tissue) gets tighter and tighter over time, that tightness becomes the new normal.
So eventually, when you rest, you don't relax to the old normal relaxed muscle state, you relax to the new normal.
There is a HUGE difference between Rest And Relaxation.
Other factors that cause and are caused by tightness:
Essentially, that's the Pain Causing Tendonitis.
And the Pain Causing Dynamic causes:
See: What Is Tendonitis?
Laying down and sleeping isn't causing pain. But something is.
What is happening and how does it cause pain?
Just like scenarios of Hip Pain From Running and Hip Pain When Sitting, hip pain while sleeping is an issue of reduced form and function, not the activity (or lack of activity) that is being blamed for the pain.
If you have hip pain throughout the day, then all the same things are in play when you sleep. We don't magically relax to a pain free state.
It can happen, and does for a while, but when things get bad enough, the sleeping doesn't make anything better.
But if you're pain free through the day, and ONLY have hip pain while sleeping, then how is that happening? What explains it?
Let's go with a very simple explanation:
Ultimately, we can have pain in the hip while sleeping because something about the ecology of the area is off.
Tightness and muscle imbalance (some things tighter than they should be and others not as tight as they should be) cause all sorts of issues, like:
So what do you do about it?
Sleep more? Nope, that won't help.
Rest more? Nope, that won't help.
You have to find what's 'off' and make it right.
Maybe it's exercise and stretching.
Maybe it's massage or self massage to reduce tightness and increase circulaion.
Maybe it's more adequate nutritional intake so muscles stuck too tight can actually relax.
Maybe it's all of the above.
Regardless, you are hurting for one or more reasons, and ultimately, pain isn't going to go away until you effectively deal with them.
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