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Healing Tendonitis
You Really Can
And You Should

Healing Tendonitis is not difficult....once you know how.

It always amazes me that Tennis Elbow Tendonitis, Carpal Tunnel, Wrist Tendonitis, Plantar Fasciitis, etc., are such a prevalent problem.

It's easy to eliminate Tendonitis when you have the RIGHT information. It does take some time and effort, there is no magic bullet, but as I like to say, it's not rocket science.

Are you looking for a way to heal your Tendonitis? Looking for a fix?

Have you tried other options? I'm guessing they haven't worked as you had hoped they would.

It's because none of them were the RIGHT way to cure Tendonitis. Or in other words, they weren't the RIGHT tool for the specific job that you need done.

What is the RIGHT way to Heal Tendonitis?

Just masking the symptoms with anti-inflammatory meds or Corticosteroid injections won't do it.

Taking time off work or the activity you love to 'rest' isn't going to do it.

Using a Splint or Brace isn't going to do it.

Surgery isn't going to do it.

They may help for a while, but none of those options reverse the dynamic that brought you to where you are at.

What works?

You can have Tendonitis Tendonitis in a lot of different places on your body.

Different locations require slightly different techniques, but they all must cause certain outcomes.

1. You must kick out the Inflammation Response.

2. You must reverse the Downward Spiral of tightness and pain caused by The Pain Causing Dynamic.

3. -IF- there is any actual damage to the tendon, you must help it heal correctly.

4. You must help the body stop the Downward Spiral. Then help the body far enough up the Upward Spiral until enough physical and nervous system change happens to, for lack of a better phrase, 'make your body happy again'.

'Happy' doesn't sound very official, but it works for me.

Where Is Your Tendonitis?

Regardless of the location of your Tendonitis dynamic, you will want to learn How To Reduce Inflammation so you can start getting out of pain today.

If you have Carpal Tunnel Symptoms (or Wrist Tendonitis), you will want The Carpal Tunnel Treatment That Works.

The mechanisms involved in healing Tendonitis of the wrist are essentially the same as reversing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

If you have Plantar Fasciitis, you will want The Plantar Fasciitis Treatment That Works.

Healing Tendonitis in the foot takes a bit more time since it's hard to stay off the feet, but it's not complicated.

If you have Tennis Elbow you will want The Tennis Elbow Treatment That Works.

Healing Tendonitis of the Lateral Epicondyle is, well, it's really easy.

If you have Shoulder Cuff Tendonitis, Achilles Tendonitis, Shin Splints (or Wrist Tendonitis, though the Carpal Tunnel Treatment will do a VERY good job) you will have to wait till I get those DVDs out.

Until then, and if you have other Tendonitis issues, you will find a lot of valuable information on this site that you can actually use, and you can always Ask The Tendonitis Expert any questions you may have about your pain and problem.

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