hand and finger pain maybe tendonitis
by Deanna Henderson
(Sheridan, IN USA)
I have searched the internet and have not found the for sure answer . I crochet day and night.
Now I have developed pain and swelling in the back of my right hand and into my middle finger.
Is this tendonitis and if it is what exactly is it called? I need to know what to do for it. I cannot quit crochetting! It is my only thing I have to do all day.
Would some sort of brace work and if so what kind. I need something flexable and all I can find on the internet is stiff things that go around my wrist and that quit before they get to the part of my hand and finger that are involved. The pain is so bad, I have had to stop crochetting for the last couple days.
Can you help? Thank you.
Joshua Answers:Hello Deanna.
I know how much knitters hate to have to stop knitting!
I spend a certain amount of time at
Ravelry.com on the Crafting With Carpal Tunnel thread.
EDIT 3-10-10
Whoops. I built this page before I finished commenting.
I'm not a big fan of
wrist splints and braces. They can reduce irritation, but don't 'fix' anything.
You need to counter
the swelling. Ice Dipping is my favorite for that.
You said below that it's not
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome because you've had that surgery. But that doesn't mean that you don't still have a Carpal Tunnel Dynamic in place, meaning tightness, constriction, and inflammation.
Regardless of whether it's CTS or
Tendonitis, you have to reverse the progression of tightness, constriction, and inflammation.
In short: Ice Dip to reduce inflammation and self massage to open up the structural tightness.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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Dec 11, 24 08:57 PM
Reversing DeQuervains Tendonitis is relatively simple to do when you know the RIGHT ways to actually make de quervains tendonitis go away.
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Nov 16, 24 02:40 AM
Discover how you can heal Tendonitis Types - Achilles Tendinitis, Levaquin Tendinitis, Tennis Elbow, Plantar Fasciitis, Whiplash, etc
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Oct 21, 24 03:12 PM
Reversing Whiplash Tendonitis can be done at home, whether it's a new injury or decades old. Reverse the dynamic, make your neck structure health again.
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