by Nicole Turner
My name is nicole and i have had Plantar Fasciitis for about 20 months now.
I feel like im going insane i am just bashing my head up against a wall it feels like. I have seen my geneal GP so many times and i have been sent to the hospital to see all types of doctors and have all sorts of tests eg bone scan ultra sounds mri's but as i don't have private health cover i don't seam to see the same doctor twice.
I am so frustrated i feel like i have lost my life.
No one understands. I feel like my doctor thinks this is in my head. I have seen a PT for 7 months i have tried a podiatrist who has said my PF is so bad that i am past orthotics for my shoes .
Why won't someone help me i can not live with this much longer.
I have lost my job i hardly see my friends my whole life has changed i used to be a very fun outgoing person now i hate who i am. it was so good to hear other people describe the same symptoms as i have.
I think i want surgery but every doctor i see just seams to fob me off. i have had enough of test injections and medications i am constantly on pain meds and i am so depressed i just don't know where to turn but i can not take much more.
I want my life back.
Joshua Answers: Hi Nicole.
I'm sorry you have had to go through all that.
Unfortunately, one reason none of the doctors have been able to get you out of pain, is that they don't know how to. As a general rule, doctors (especially general practitioners) don't have a knowledge or understanding of what's going on in there. They have their 'standard of care' which is tests and splints and orthotics and PT and such.
But when that doesn't help....
Don't get me wrong. Doctors are GREAT if you get shot with a
gun or hit with a car. But for more subtle things like tendonitis of the foot....not so much.
And surgery may or may not help anything, could even make it much worse. They don't even know what the problem is, so what exactly would they do surgery on?
Here's the thing. It might not even be a problem with your foot (directly). It's very likely more a problem with TIGHT lower leg structures (that connect to various places in the foot).
If your lower leg structures are TOO TIGHT and constantly putting TOO MUCH tension on your foot....it creates more and more of a https://www.tendonitisexpert.com/pain-causing-dynamic.html.
That's just how
Tendonitis in general and
Plantar Fasciitis specifically works.
Heck, some or all of your pain could be from nutritional factors.
So. What to do to get out of foot pain?
1. Have you learned
How To Reduce Inflammation and actually done that for a good solid 7-10 days?
2. There's other free information on my site that can help a lot.
3. I highly suggest that you get my
'The Plantar Fasciitis Treatment That Works' DVD (and the Quick Start Companion ebook that comes with it).
You'll learn how to reverse the negative factors in your body, feet, and lower legs. And once you learn how to make your pain go away, you'll save a lot of time and frustration at the doctors'.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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