Had a hip replacement now can't walk anymore
by bob
(Kendall Park, NJ)
I had a hip replacement and did the ususal post op therapy.
I was ok for a while, but as time passed I have had difficulty walking for periods of time. The hip is fine, but it seems that the area between the hip and the knee - particualry on the front part of my leg gets so painfull, i literally can't walk . 1-2 blocks is it.
I take celebrex, but no help.
Could this be tendonitis?
Joshua Answers:Hi Bob.
Well, it may or may not
Tendonitis per se, but there is ABSOLUTELY a
Pain Causing Dynamic and
Process of Inflammation in action.
What Is Tendonitis? You got the hip replacement because muscles were chronically locked too tight and connective tissue was shrunk wrapped tight, all of thatcompressing the joint, grinding it down. (That's an educated guess, correct me if it was for some other reason).
Included in that was LOTS of compensation pattern, muscle tightness, structural dysfunction, nutritional insufficiency/deficiency, pain from inflammation chemical, etc.
Plus, you then had the surgery, your hip/leg got all jacked up, and now you are walking different (and in pain) and your nervous system is somewhat freaked out about it so it's doing all sorts of compensation.
So muscles have to learn to work differently, new compensation patterns are forming, and all the original negative factors that caused the need for
hip replacement are still in place and are still negative factors.
1. Do you stretch at all?
2. Do you self massage at all?
3. What specifically stops you from walking? Pain? Cramp? Spasm?
4. Where exactly do you feel #3?
5. Have you upped your protein and good fats intake?
6. Give me a history of symptoms and progression that led to the surgery.
7. Describe post surgery experience
8. Details, details, details.
9. When you go for a walk then get stopped, how long does that last?
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
Tendonitis Treatment That Works DVD's


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