Guitar Tendonitis Problems For 12 Years
Hi Joshua
I have had on and off pain for 12 years now. More recently it has been on.
From shoulder, to mild elbow pain, thumb and index finger.
I am a guitar player and also play keboards. My day job for the last 10 years has required me to lift and carry bundles of papers, also with recording I use the computer a lot. As you can see I have had to use my hands a great deal. The pain and stiff feeling in my thumb is constant.
I am having a break from playing and have left my job for another which is not so demanding. Like you say on your site, I have had 3 weeks break so far but the pain hasn't gone.
Which DVD would be best, The tennis elbow or carpel tunnel? I am also a vegetarian so your bone broth wouldn't be for me. Is there anything else I should take like MSM or Glucosamine etc. I would love to get rid of this for good and be back to how I was. I believe I caused this problem 12 years ago when I had to cram so much work, gigging etc in over one hectic month. I also have a ganglion on the back of my wrist near the thumb.
Thanks Dann
Joshua Answers:Hello Dann.
Yikes. 12 years is a long time.
Good news. It's never too late.
You have a classic Guitar Tendonitis dynamic. Shoulder, elbow, wrist, thumb, finger.
As you've noticed, taking a break just isn't going to help.
Tendonitis just doesn't work that way.
And, we can reverse the mechanism that got you here, and get the ecology of your arms healthy again. It will take some work and some diligence. And then you will have to do some ongoing maintenance, but
not much, even if you continue to use your hands a lot. The more you do on the front end, the less you'll have to do on the back end.
The DVD I would suggest for you is
The Tennis Elbow Treatment That Works.
It has 80% of what you need, and I'll talk you through the rest.
Plus, after you do the Healthy Elbow Protocol, for a solid 7 days, we'll have more to talk about and can adjust your activities.
I wouldn't worry about the ganglion cyst unless it is obviously causing you problems, depending on size, etc.
There are apparently vegetarian forms of GLucosamine (from corn), but (depending on who you talk to) not Chondroitin.
And you may want to consider, once every 6 months or so, taking in a lot of bone broth for a month. Bolster your system periodically. I know it sucks from an ethical standpoint, but from a health standpoint, I believe it is worth it. Your choice, obviously.
Other intake? Vitamin D. Magnesium. Definitely those two.
Did I miss anything?
UPDATE: Also, my ebook
'Reversing Guitar Tendonitis' is now available.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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