Guitar Tendonitis and Multiple Surgeries
by Louis F Turse
(Hopatcong, Nj)
Hello, I am a 36 year old guitar player, who, sadly has spent most of his life getting surgery for carpel tunnel, thoracic outlet syndrome, arthritis exercises, and has tried everything from energy healing to visualization meditation relaxation techniques, but nothing, I mean nothing has worked to get rid of this pain when I play.
My question is how does hand stretching and things like the Alexander Technique of light finger pressure help in treating tendonitis? I have not fully tried this because I have always thought that it was nerve or something bigger than say tendonitis.
I have stopped playing for months at a time and the pain has made playing almost a no no.
Thanks so much for your site and information.
Lou T.
Joshua Answers:Hi Lou.
Ouch. That sounds like a lot of surgery.
To answer your question, any light pressure technique (tissue work, not energy work) is targeted to release tight connective tissue.
It's sometimes amazing what no pressure can do.
Though, for you and everybody else, if it (or ANY treatment) isn't targeting the right targets, it's not going to help.
Moving on.
So you've had surgeries, and tried a lot of treatments. I'm guessing nobody targeted the right target, in the right way.
A fork and a spoon are both great at what they are designed
to do. They can even be used on some of the same things. But a fork will NEVER do a good job of eating soup with. Same goes for all your other therapies.
They either didn't hit the target, or didn't affect it the right way if they did hit it.
So what do you do now? I don't know, let's investigate:
1. Send me two pictures. On from the side, one from the front.
2. Why did you get thoracic outlet surgery?
3. What exactly are your symptoms? Where do you hurt, how, why, when, for how long, what's the flavor of the pain/numbness/symptoms?
Let's start there.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert