Guitar Player, Tendonitis on the triceps side of the arm
by Charan
First of all thanks so much for the information on this site. It's been really helpful.
I have tendonitis in several places on both arms, but moreso on the right arm (I'm right handed). I have mild golfer's elbow, mild tennis elbow and quite painful triceps tendonitis on the inner side of each elbow.
I must have got this problem through overuse: I was playing guitar for 4+ hours a day, doing weights (with FAR too much weight on tricep exercises) and also doing martial arts three times a week.
I've had this for about 4 months. Resting it for that time hasn't really made any difference.
I've been dipping it in ice for over a week now, and although it has been somewhat helpful, I tried playing my guitar for 30 minutes and the pain came right back and stayed for a couple of days afterwards.
I've started added stretching and self massage which seems to have a good short term effect, but I haven't been doing it for long enough to see if it's going to help in the long run. My triceps does feel tight, which makes sense from your description of the tendonitis dynamic.
Anyway, do you have any advice for my type of tendonitis? Would any of your DVDs help with this problem? I can't seem to find any information on triceps tendonitis on the internet, and my doctor just told me to rest and use ibuprofen gel.
I really want to be able to play guitar again, please help!
Joshua Answers:Ahhh, doctors....
Rest and Ibuprofen just aren't going to help you, period. I think you've figured this out by now.
The good news about Triceps Tendonitis is that it's just regular
Tendonitis, but in a specific location, and maybe with a couple minor characteristics unique to the structure/area.
The point is, you have pain in a variety of areas, and you are a guitar player.
I keep getting questions from guitar players, I really do need to make a video and dvd for you guys, as the forearm pain from guitar is a bit deeper and tougher to deal with than normal computer related Tennis Elbow and Golfers Elbow.
prob, you'll just need to work smarter to get out of pain and stay out of pain, I can help you with that.
If I were you, I would get
'The Tennis Elbow Treatment That Works'.
It has the bases of what you need, can be applied to your entire arm, will help shift various of the reasons that got you where you are at, and will show you how to reverse your
Pain Causing Dynamic.
And we will use it as a base of info to work from, I'll need to add in a couple things for you specific to your guitar playing pain.
I would also increase your
Magnesium for Tendonitis intake, as described on my Kerri's
Magnesium Dosage page.
And, of course, my favorite suggestion for nutrition for healing and avoiding Tendonitis related issues,
Bone Broth as the best Tendon Supplements.
So, some questions:1. How exactly have you been icing? How long, and if you have been ice dipping, are you getting up over the elbow to get the Triceps tendonitis? (I assume that you mean at the elbow, as opposed to up at the shoulder)
2. How old are you?
3. What martial art?
4. Weightlifting wise, do you do that for fun, for health, or to add muscle? Mostly I'm looking for what kind of weightlifter you are for an idea of how you use your body.
5. Quickly describe how your are stretching and massaging too.
It looks like you're on the right track, doing most of the right things. Now it's just a matter of fine tuning what you are doing for maximum results and least amount of time and effort.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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