Fractured Fibula, Healing But Pain Won't Go Away
by Sharon
On 7/28 I fractured my fibula. On 7/30 I was put in an air cast by a nurse practioner and the orthopedist office. I kept the cast on except for showering for 6 weeks. On 9/10 the cast was removed, the x rays showed healing and I told the nurse practitioner that I was having considerable pain in my ankle.
I went to physical therapy for 3 weeks. The physical therapist said that I was making excellent progress. I was still having increased pain especially at the end of the day.
I saw the nurse practitioner at the orthopedist on 10/6. By now I couldn't sleep at night because of the pain in my ankle.
The nurse practitioner after consulting the doctor gave me a very painful cortisone shot and some pain medication and said it should be resolved in 2 or 3 days.
I found your website and started icing 4 or 5 times and day and ice water dipping 20-40 times a day for the past 5 days. My ankle is marginally better but at days end sore and interrupting sleep.
What now?
Joshua Answers:Hi Sharon. Thanks for asking. I like 'tough' scenario's to help figure out.
So....what the nurse practitioner really meant to say was that she 'hoped' that it would be resolved in 2-3 days.
Corticosteroid Injections don't fix anything. At best, they get rid of the pain for a while.
So I have some questions:1. How exactly did you break the fibula?
2. How bad was the fracture?
3. How active are you on your feet historically?
4. Any history of
pain/problem in the ankles, like
What Is Tendonitis?5. Is the pain in your ankle now, at the site of the fracture or somewhere else?
6. Please describe the pain in as great detail as possible. How, when, where, what helps, what makes worse, etc.
Some thoughts I will expand on or not after I get your answers:1. If you are Vit D and Magnesium deficient (very very likely) then the bone may not be healing as well as it looks like it is. Low magnesium levels equal less calcium utilization, for instance.
2. Depending on the impact and where your pain is, you may have jammed and stuck your joint and an expert chiropractor or osteopath can make it right.
3. KEEP ICING! There is a HUGE and stubborn
Process of Inflammation that kicks in with fractures and breaks.
I'm curious to see how you answer the above questions.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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