Flare up of widespread tendonitis, saw Rheumatologist today
by Amy
(Meridian, Idaho)
I have a very demanding job as a lab tech, processing and transporting lab specimens, walking up to approximately 8 miles per day.
I have moved furniture both of the last two weekends because we sold two homes and had to get all our stuff out.
I was in so much pain yesterday morning that I called in to work but felt like I needed some kind of documentation to give my boss because this is a chronic problem for me (I have HLAB27 gene marker, and am very prone to muscle and soft tissue injuries that take longer than normal to heal and cause a lot of pain).
When I saw my rheumatologist today, she told me the best thing for tendonitis is to stay active and did not give me any time off work, and even though I have the positive HLAB27 and positive ANA in the past, one parent with rheumatoid arthritis and the other with reactive arthritis, as well as personally tentative diagnoses in the past of reactive arthritis, mixed connective tissue disease and Still's disease, today she would not give me documentation of any type of diagnosis to offer my employer.
She ignored my complaints about my wrists, ankles and shoulder, and took an x-ray of my lower back, which showed some bone spurs and osteoarthritis. I am 51 years of age and have stayed in pretty good shape in spite of my health problems.
I am in a lot of pain, and I left the specialist's office feeling like a big pansy who needs to stop complaining.
Your thoughts?
Thank You!
Joshua Comments:Hi Amy.
My thoughts:
1. Personally I wouldn't put so much weight on the genetic marker thing.
In that, having the gene or whatever doesn't doom you to having anything rheumatoid arthritis related.
MAYBE it makes you more easily succeptible to the causes of inflammatory 'disease', meaning, you're more sensitive to inflammatory foods like gluten, processed vegetable oils, sugar, etc.
People often say 'it's genetic' or 'it runs in my family'. Which more accurately means that familes can share sensitivities/tendencies, AND generally share lifestyles.
So if others in your family have rheumatoid arthritis, 'reactive' arthritis, inflammatory related connective tissue issues, etc, then I HIGHLY advise you to get off all inflammatory foods like gluten and processed vegetable oils (and ya know, sugar).
2. If you have RA to any degree, and/or other auto-immune issue, then you have
Leaky Gut.
If you want to fix it, then of course, you need to heal your gut...and that requires the stopping/reducing of the intake
of gluten, processed vegetable oils, sugar, etc.
3. If you have leaky gut (you do) then you are nutritionally insufficient (for a variety of related reasons) and that is part of the muscle pain/slow recovery.
The gene marker itself isn't the cause of weakness/pain/RA, it's your overall ecology/functional ecology.
4. The other reason for the muscle pain/slow recovery is your overall inflammatory status. Meaning, you have systemic inflammation going on, and that's bad in a variety of ways.
Inflammation causes increase in pain and problem, which causes the brain to turn up mechanism that increases inflammation that causes increase in pain and problem....repeat, repeat, decades pass, doctors are clueless, etc.
5. I do agree with your doctor who says to stay active with
tendonitis (In the last 18 years I've never heard of a doctor saying that, so that's good), but tendonitis symptoms are from a much larger dynamic that just 'resting' or 'too active'.
What Is Tendonitis?Of course, now she's probably going to focus on the bone spurs and osteoarthritis as 'causes' of pain, etc, again missing the deeper causes entirely.
Do you have 'real' tendonitis? Maybe.
Do you have tendonitis symptoms from your larger inflammatory and nutritonally insufficient dynamic? Almost certainly.
Point being, laying around isn't going to help or fix anything. And if you do have 'tendonitis', what you REALLY have is a deeper, underlying mechanism causing those symptoms.
6. You're definitely not a pansy who needs to stop complaining.
You are a woman with some common and predictable results of lifelong intake of inflammatory foods and (probably lifetime of chronic) nutritional insufficiency, and who has spent time and money with the modern hospital doctor industry who for some mind boggling reason aren't aware of/don't believe in/have never bothered to take 10 minutes to investigate WHY you are suffering as you do.
RA is reversible and fixable, despite the AMA declaring it to be an incurable disease (like diabetes, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, arthritis in general, etc).
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
Tendonitis Treatment That Works DVD's