Fighting tendonitis while being vegan
by Diogo
Hello Joshua,
My name is Diogo and I used to play bass and guitar, until both my wrists started to hurt really bad after playing for many hours. I stoped playing, and the pain kept increasing. That was about two months ago. The pain is still there, and I can't even write, typing is hard. Modern medicine didn't help, and I've been reading your fantastic website and receiving your e-mails on wrist tendonitis (I'm on day 4), and everything you say makes sense.
I really want to play bass again but I think we have a problem here. I'm totally willing to change my diet and take suplements (even though that my financial situation is really bad), but on the other hand, I'm vegan I don't really want to change that.
Considering you said this ''There's lots of crappy vegetarian and vegan food and gluten free food that is really just junk food.'' and you talk about meat, fish, milk and eggs as main sources for pretty much every nutrient, what can I do? Can you help me with this?
Also, I'll start the ice dipping today. I've done ice massages two weeks ago and it didn't help, but I did it for three days only.
Thank you so much in advance, and sorry for the bad english.
Joshua Answers:Hello Diogo.
Youre english is great, no worries.
You've asked some great questions, let's see if I can offer something of value.
1. Write back and describe the pain, the symptoms, the behavior of the pain/symptoms (duration, intensity, exact location(s), what helps/what makes worse, etc.
2. Read the
Tenosynovitis page and see if that fits the description.
While all the same factors are involved, tenosytis and tendonitis have slightly different behaviors (but important to know which is which).
3. Vegans/vegetarians are pretty notorious for various nutritional deficiencies, primarily some of the B vitamins. (Meat eaters are too, I'm not saying here that eating animal cures everthing).
One CAN be vegan/vegetarian
and nutritionally sufficient, but one has to be smart about it.
Let me rephrase that: if you are vegan or vegetarian and feel fine, great. But if you're vegan or vegatarian and -don't- feel fine, then it's evidence that you're not getting what you need from your dietary choices.
4. Along those lines:
FACT: You can't get enough Vitamin D from food sources.
FACT: Vegans have to work REALLY hard to get adequate B12 from their food sources.
MY OPINION: If you're short on Magnesium, B6, B12, Vitamin D, and have
Symptoms of Tendonitis, one MUST supplement therapeutically if you want your pain and problem etc to go away any time soon, if ever.
ALSO, if you ice dip enough (3 days might not have been enough to lower your pain levels, depending on how often you were dipping and how cold the water was) but inflammation/pain doesn't go down, that points to nutritional insufficiency/deficiency.
So there's that.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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