Excruciating Nerve Conduction Test After Floxin Side Effects
by paul cahan
(passaic, NJ)
Inside Floxin Damaged Foot Art
It hurt so bad after adverse reaction to Floxin, the nerves in both legs and achilles tendons were so damaged, I asked the doctor to STOP the test.
He did not. I screamed at him... NO MORE. He did not stop.
Then I took my fist and pounded his back.
He stopped. True story.
I had two achilles tendon ruptures. Chronic pain for 12 years now. On disability.
The company who makes this should be brought to Federal Criminal Court and Criminal Court for world wide criminal conduct in violation of UN torture limitations that has been done on civilians for the name of profit.
Shame on them.
Joshua Answers:Hi Paul.
Thanks for sharing.
It amazes me that millions of people get prescribed quinolone class antibiotics like Levaquin and Floxin, and most people have no problem, but the small percentage of people that do have adverse side effects get them BAD.
And doctors seem to have a problem accepting that drugs they start selling for the pharmaceutical industry could possibly be hurting people.
Shame, indeed.
So...your doctor wouldn't stop when you were experiencing that much pain?
He probably didn't believe you (despite the evidence right before him).
But then, he probably didn't believe you had side effects from the Floxin either.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert