Elbow and biceps issues with weightlifting

by Luke

Hello, I am not sure if I necessarily have tennis elbow, but I definitely have some sort of tendinitis in that particular region and have been scouring the internet to try and figure out A. What it is and B. How to properly rehab it. I am 39 years old.

I workout 3 times a week, Usually Mondays and Thursdays are full-body workouts with a focus on hypertrophy (6-12 rep range, then I bump up the weight once I can do 3-4 sets of 12). I do a pretty slow tempo on the negative portion of all exercises and flex the target muscles on the positive portion.

Saturdays are reserved for rotator cuff strengthening exercises (I had a shoulder injury 18 years ago).

1. High-bar squat with going past parallel (3-4 working sets or 6-12 reps)
2. Dumbell bench-press (stretch at bottom, squeeze pecs at top)
3. Weighted pull-ups with palms facing out (25-30 reps, # of sets varies or Lat pull-down (wide grip straight lat bar)
4. Weighted dips with torso angle favoring chest over triceps(25-30 reps)
5. Seated rows (neutral hand position)
6. Overhead presses with false grip or Ab-roller instead of OHP

Anyways, I have a pain that seems to float somewhere in my elbow joint, but I can for sure feel a pain in my right arm right where a phlebotomist would take blood.

Sometimes I swear I feel it radiating up my bicep, and sometimes I feel it on the outside forearm, sometimes even on the inside elbow area.

What I do now for sure though, is that it hurts whenever I try to pick my daughter up from the ground or if I try to do "front-raises" with her. It also hurts right after I put my phone down after talking on it for a few minutes.

If I push on my elbow joint, I can feel the most tenderness near the bicep attachment or on the underside. But what is strange is that when I am typing on the computer, I feel tenderness in both the upper outside forearm AND underneath. When exercising, I feel the most pain in what I think is the biceps/lower arm crease that radiates up.

I had a massage on the elbow tendons and it helped. I also switched to a neutral grip on the pull-ups, and it seems better, but not healed.

Does this sound like tennis elbow? My grip on deadlift and other barbell exercises has always sucked, some sites say to strengthen the grip to get rid of elbow pain, does that make sense?

When I look at my arm musculature in the mirror, I can't help but notice that my triceps are way bigger than my biceps. Could some of these elbow issues that people have be due to muscle imbalances?

I have seen some sites advocating strengthening both the grip and the biceps to alleviate pain. Some other sites want you to do everything with neutral grip (trap-bar deadlift etc.). Some sites say to avoid barbell curls, some say to do hammer curls instead. I am so confused right now, but I really want this nagging pain to go away.

I would appreciate any feedback, to both what I probably have and also what a rehab would consist of. Thank you!


Joshua Answers:

Hi Luke.

Tendonitis no matter what you call it or what name you give it, is a dynamic. A dynamic made up of multiple factors all working together to cause pain and problem.

See: What Is Tendonitis?

What you've described doesn't sound exactly like Tennis Elbow, but it certainly sounds like a tendonitis dynamic....and that can look/behave a variety of ways...all similar to what you've described.

See: What Is Tennis Elbow

PT's, and weightliting lore has all sorts of suggestions as to how to avoid or fix tendonitis pain from lifting....but changing your grip doesn't fix anything.

At best it's a work around, an avoidance.

Tendonitis is a Pain Causing Dynamic, meaning, all those factors work together, quickly or slowly, to cause pain or problem.

Changing your grip doesn't fix anything, it doesn't reverse any of those factors. It may allow one to go longer with less pain, but the dynamic is in place, it's going to catch up to you sooner or later.

And even if it takes a long time, the dynamic is still in place and limiting your function.

Because really, it's all about function...or lack thereof.

The mythology around 'strengthening' your grip (or your shoulder cuff, etc) is based on a misunderstanding of 'weakness'.

We're told that if we have pain and problem, we need to 'strengthen' the muscles.

And that would work if the muscles were 'weak'. But they're not weak, they're dysfunctional. Their ability to produce work is limited.

Said another way, it's not like they're lazy and not doing their job and just need a good workout to get stronger. It's more that they are restricted in how much work they can produce....so working as hard as they can, at best they can output 'less' than they should.

How can lifting weights make a crippled muscle stronger?

It can't.

If your car only has three tires on it, will pressing the gas pedal all the way down fix it's speed/maneuverability problem?

Of course it won't. You have to put the fourth tire on and then you're back to good as new.

But PT's and weight lifting magazines and websites assure you that if you just make that three wheeled car go faster it will fix the problem.

So, how do you get muscles stronger (in the context of pain and problem)?

You restore function. And then the muscle can work optimally again.

You hurt because you have multiple dysfunctional muscles.

They're dysfunctional because of:

- too tight muscle and connective tissue
- chronic inflammation process
- lack of nutrition

I recommend you get my Reversing Bicep Tendonitis program.

You have some elements of Tennis Elbow (forearm), but from what you said I suspect your main issue is biceps and pronator teres (and all the connective tissue in and around there).

You said your biceps were smaller. Which makes sense. Either you're just genetically built for small biceps, or your biceps are functioning poorly and thus can't 'build' for a variety of reasons.

Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.

And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert

reversing bicep tendonitis ebook cover

Tennis Elbow Treatment That Works Dvd cover

Revering Guitar Tendonitis ebook cover

Reversing Wrist Tendonitis ebook cover

Carpal Tunnel Treatment That Works Dvd cover

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Apr 11, 2017
forearm/wrist/bicep weird feeling when lifting weights
by: Allyson

I have been to chiropractor, but not for this specific issue. Only to get adjustments every so often. If it would be the latter suggestion, how do I fix that? Also, could my wrist be the source?


Joshua Comments:

Hi Allyson.

1. It's unlikely that the wrist would be the source, for a variety of reasons. Possible because the body's funny like that, but not likely.

2. If there is a serious subluxation in your neck/shoulder/elbow affecting nerve flow, you should notice enough relief/improvement after an adjustment or three to justify more (or take what you've learned to a good massage therapist or equivalent so they can get your muscles such that the adjustment can hold).

Apr 10, 2017
forearm/wrist/bicep weird feeling when lifting weights
by: Allyson

The left is definitely weaker and smaller than the right.


Joshua Comments:

1. Have you seen a chiropractor? You could have a significant subluxation that is limiting nerve flow to that arm.

Not super likely, but definitely possible, might be worth getting it checked out.

2. What happens if you isolate the bicep contraction?

It's possible that you were lifting and not paying attention such that your forearm already was doing more of the lifting (look at the arm anatomy to see what structure(s) would be doing that).

So by the time you started feeling your forearm your biceps were all like 'hey, why should we do anything?'.

Apr 08, 2017
forearm/wrist/bicep weird feeling when lifting weights
by: Allyson


I am 26 year old female, healthy. A few years ago I had a good workout routine going that including lifting weights (nothing too extreme) just enough to feel healthy and strong.

Then one day I noticed that when I was doing bicep curl with my left arm I didn't really feel my bicep working all I could feel was tightness in my forearm.

My wrist also locks up sometimes. This was irritating so I stopped lifting weights for a long time. I recently got back into it, but that weird feeling is still there.

I'm not sure if it makes sense the way I am describing it, but it just doesn't feel right compared to the way my right arm feels after working out. It just feels like no matter how much I am doing my left arm still feels weaker and like it is more strained when doing bicep curls than my right arm.

I am not sure where to start in fixing this, but it is really bothersome. Thought I would see if you could help.

Thanks for listening!


Joshua Comments:

Hi Allyson.

1. Is your left bicep bigger, or tighter, than your right?

2. Is the left stronger or weaker than the right? Meaning, can you lift the same weight with each?

I mean, does it 'feel' weaker, or is it actually weaker?

3. Makes sense about feeling it more in the forearm. If the biceps isn't working right, other muscles have to compensate.

See Related: Forearm And Biceps Pain When Lifting

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